
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


From big scandals to funerals, the 10th Parliament saw it all

Dar es Salaam. The 10th Parliament is coming to a close today. And, just as the ninth Parliament is remembered for Richmond, this one will go down in history for the Tegeta Escrow deal.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Cooked-up citizenship scandals is big shame

Tanzania’s national anthem’s tone is melodious, and is sure to sooth the soul of many a non-Kiswahili-speaking non-Tanzanian. But, the chief significance of the anthem lies in the messages it embodies.


9 years ago


Ups and Downs of Tanzania's 10th Parliament

Ups and Downs of Tanzania's 10th Parliament
The Tenth Parliament (2010- 2015) will go down in history as one whose debates triggered serious discussions across the country, led by the majority members from Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and those from Opposition parties. It was the Parliament that ...


10 years ago


Marijuana debate causes big laugh in Parliament

Marijuana debate causes big laugh in Parliament
The Speaker of the National Assembly Anne Makinda caused laughter in House when she said marijuana grown in Njombe Region is mild. The Speaker made the comment when she intervened to react to a supplementary question raised by Christowaja ...


11 years ago


MUSINGS: We can still laugh even at funerals

>These have not been very happy times after death robbed the life of some dear friends.


9 years ago


VIDEO: Funerals held for Ethiopian protesters

Funerals have been taking place across Ethiopia's Oromia region after weeks of clashes between security forces and protesters.


11 years ago

Zitto Kabwe, MB

Presentation: How can Parliament develop effective ways of dealing with the media to ensure strong advocacy for coverage of Parliament?

Notes from a presentation on June 30 2014 at Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, local seminar for all Zambian Members of Parliament (Lusaka).

Download How can Parliament develop effective ways of dealing with the Media to ensure strong advocacy for coverage of Parliament?.


10 years ago


Of poverty,more scandals rocking dear motherland

For several months the nation has been in suspense because of the Tegeta escrow account scandal. When Prof Sospeter Muhongo resigned as minister for Energy and Minerals in connection with the scandal, and after the President made a reshuffle of his cabinet, it was a sigh of relieve for the common man. As Prof Muhongo read his resignation statement, I think, he was optimistic that his move would bring a closure to the saga and allow the nation to move forward.


10 years ago

The Standard Digital News

Dar works on new law to end scandals

Dar works on new law to end scandals
The Standard Digital News
Dar es Salam; Tanzania: In response to a growing outcry over corruption and abuse of office, Tanzania is working on a new law to ban elected leaders and civil servants from using their positions to build business empires and enrich themselves. The law is ...


5 years ago


Coronavirus in Ghana: Online funerals, face masks and elections without rallies

Ghana is well known for its elaborate funerals and rowdy election campaigns so coronavirus is changing everything.



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