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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Gender not yet balanced

Gender not yet balanced
Daily News
TANZANIA Gender Network Programme (TGNP) together with Feminist Activist Coalition (FemAct) have challenged political parties to nominate women, youth and people with disabilities in the upcoming general election. Speaking to reporters in Dar es ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

UDSM on course to attain gender balanced quota

Daily News
UDSM on course to attain gender balanced quota
Daily News
THE target of attaining a 50/50 quota for female graduates at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) will soon become a reality as 40 per cent of the 6,722 graduates this year are female. Speaking at the 44th graduation on Saturday, the UDSM Vice- ...


10 years ago


INSIGHT: Gender equity needed to mitigate gender violence

>From November 25 to December 10 every year, gender and human rights activists across the world participate in 16 days of activism against gender-based violence directed especially towards women and girls.


11 years ago


Adopting well-balanced health

We define success with one word: balance. When you are spiritually, physically, socially, economically, and intellectually balanced, you have success. Life is like a jigsaw puzzle, with lots of different pieces in lots of different areas.


11 years ago

East African Business Week

Tanzania enjoys balanced trade

New Vision
Tanzania enjoys balanced trade
East African Business Week
ARUSHA, Tanzania - Tanzania has overtaken other East African Community (EAC) countries in recording a positive balance of trade last year. Provisional data for 2013, shows that the value of Tanzania's exports was $1,120.1 million, which is an increase of ...
EALA drafts constitution for political federationNew Vision

all 10


11 years ago


Financial health crucial for balanced life

“Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed,” wrote George S. Clason, American author and financial-planning adviser. “The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow.”


11 years ago


Give children a balanced diet, says Mama Kikwete

In a bid to build a healthy community, parents here have been urged to feed their children a nutritious and balanced diet.


10 years ago

Based Violence Still A Major Challenge


Gender-based violence still a major challenge
Daily News
DESPITE major efforts to protect human rights in the country, gender violence still remains a major challenge with at least one case reported every day. The statement was made on Monday by the Acting Executive Director of Tanzania Gender Networking ...


11 years ago


I survived gender inequality

Human beings are born with too much power in fulfilling the purpose of life. The upbringing is the major challenge on how one can unleash the inner power in making life more meaningful.


11 years ago

Based Discrimination'

'Govt doing well in combating gender

'Govt doing well in combating gender-based discrimination'
Daily News
THE government has achieved tremendous success in enforcing various international and regional conventions in the fight against the discrimination of women and children. Speaking to reporters in Dar es Salaam over the weekend, a principal officer in the ...



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