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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt denies Tanesco board fired legal officer after due diligence in IPTL saga

Govt denies Tanesco board fired legal officer after due diligence in IPTL saga
The government has refuted claims that legal officer of Tanzania Electric Supply Company (Tanesco) Godwin Ngwilimi was not fired but rather, he resigned voluntarily. The claimed government clarification was prompted by the Wednesday tabling of the ...
Tanzania PM sidesteps calls to quit over graft claimsReuters Canada
Tanzania PM Mizengo Pinda caught in corruption rowCitifmonline

all 23 news...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


How IPTL saga frustrates govt

Sudan Vision
How IPTL saga frustrates govt
Tanzania has told the World Bank that development partners (donors) have instituted stringent conditions that were holding back the country's budget implementation. The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance Dr Servacius Likwelile said in Washington ...
Donors delay some aid to Tanzania over graft claimsTrustLaw (blog)

all 6


5 years ago

The Guardian

Bank of England passed 'misuse' firm for due diligence three times

Bank of England passed 'misuse' firm for due diligence three times  The Guardian


9 years ago


NEC denies role in varsity students’ voting saga

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) said yesterday it was not responsible with arrangements that may cause thousands of higher education students to be locked out of the October 25 General Election.


10 years ago

Daily News

Bunge to dcuss IPTL saga for two days

Daily News
Bunge to dcuss IPTL saga for two days
Daily News
TIME for leglators to dcuss the Controller and Auditor General's (CAG) report on the Independent Power Tanzania Limited (IPTL) Tegeta escrow account matter has been increased from one to two days. Sources from among various Parliamentary Committees ...
Parliamentary handling of escrow issue will amplify constitutional balancesIPPmedia

all 5


11 years ago


Parliament now orders probe into IPTL saga

>The Parliamentary Accounts Committee (PAC) has ordered thorough  investigations and auditing of the accounts and controversial sale of  the troubled Independent Power Tanzania Limited (IPTL).


10 years ago


MPs ready for debate on IPTL saga

Daily News
MPs ready for debate on IPTL saga
It's now official that the eagerly awaited debate on the raging controversy over the Tegeta escrow account scandal reports will run for three consecutive days in the National Assembly starting tomorrow. The decision came after a dramatic back and forth ...
MPs decry 'Escrow' report spillDaily News

all 3


10 years ago


Court bars IPTL saga debate in Parliament

Daily News
Court bars IPTL saga debate in Parliament
The National Assembly may likely no longer debate the protracted saga over the controversial Tegeta escrow account scandal reports this week, after all. The lawmaking body had planned to deliberate on the much-talked-about issue for three days running ...
MPs dcuss Escrow scam on WednesdayDaily News

all 2


11 years ago


Fresh episode unveiled in IPTL purchase saga

 After weeks of dillydallying, the Business Registration and Licensing Agency (Brela), has finally released names of the actual shareholders of Pan African Power Solutions Limited (PAP), the company which acquired Independent Power Tanzania Limited (IPTL) in 2010.


10 years ago

Daily News

Drama as MPs demand IPTL saga debate

Daily News
Drama as MPs demand IPTL saga debate
Daily News
THERE was drama in the mid morning session in Parliament on Wednesday as Members of Parliament attempted to compel the Chair person of the National Assembly Mussa Azan Zungu to table the Controller and Auditor General's report on the IPTL-Escrow ...



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