
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt evolves system of resolving land conflicts

Govt evolves system of resolving land conflicts
The government is setting up sophisticated systems for surveying, issuing land titles and generally managing the land sector in efforts to end land disputes, Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda has said. He said absence of maps and official boundaries is the ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


MP urges govt to end persistent land conflicts between investor, villagers

The government has been asked to find a lasting solution to land-related disputes among Mbarali residents and an investor in the Kapunga Farm with recent reports showing that there is still a row between villagers and the management of the investment.


11 years ago


Councilors appeal for help on land conflicts

District Land department workers have been asked to cooperate with councilors in resolving land conflicts prevailing in the district.


10 years ago


Land-use planning ‘averts conflicts’

Land-use planning has been cited as the reason Longido District does not experience frequent land conflicts as in neighbouring Ngorongoro District.


10 years ago


Land conflicts: Solutions long way to go

Land conflicts: Solutions long way to go
Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda blocked by villagers at Mloganzila on the outskirts of Dar es Salaam recently where he had gone ostensibly to resolve a land dispute. At least 6trn/- is needed to survey all the country's land, the government has said and ...


9 years ago


Land conflicts should be a thing of the past

Reports that pastoralists and farmers have clashed in Mvomero District, leading to the death of at least one person and the loss of over 60 head of cattle are disturbing. And during the skirmishes, four people—among them two police officers—are also believed to have been injured.


11 years ago

Daily News

PM urges clerics to help solve land conflicts

Daily News
PM urges clerics to help solve land conflicts
Daily News
THE Prime Minister, Mr Mizengo Pinda, has called on religious leaders to team up with the government in finding solutions to land conflicts on the increase countrywide. Launching the Land Forum at the Golden Jubilee Towers in Dar es Salaam on Tuesday, ...


11 years ago


Investor blames politicians over land conflicts

The owner of a tourist lodge at the centre of a land conflict at Maramboi Village in Vilima Vitatu in Babati District, Manyara Region, has blamed local politicians for the standoff.


9 years ago


Address land conflicts now, premier urges

Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa has told regional and district commissioners to address land conflicts in their areas.


11 years ago

Daily News

Chalinze land conflicts irk Ridhiwani

Daily News
Chalinze land conflicts irk Ridhiwani
Daily News
THE Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) candidate in Chalinze by-election, Mr Ridhiwani Kikwete, has advocated for education on land rights to avoid unnecessary land conflicts in the constituency. Addressing a campaign rally in Chalize on Thursday, ...



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