
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt lax in solving people’s woes: MPs

Several MPs who debated the 2015/16 Development Plan criticised the government, claiming it wasn’t effective enough in tackling problems bedevilling Tanzanians.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Govt lax on albino killings, critics say

The resumption of attacks on Albinos this year have reenforced allegations that wichdoctors use use body parts of albino’s to make spells bring good luck and can, allegedly, be used to conjure up votes and help politicians win elections, stakeholders say.


11 years ago


MPs blame JK on CA woes

A gathering of female lawmakers from opposition parties has blamed President Jakaya Kikwete, saying his inaugural speech in the Constituent Assembly (CA) has planted seeds of chaos and division among the Katiba team members.


11 years ago


Blame govt, operators for wildlife woes

The Shadow minister for Natural Resources & Tourism in the Tanzania Parliament, Rev. Peter Msigwa, released a documentary purported to be audio-visual evidence of a blatant breach of statutory norms in the wildlife sub-sector. The video shows at least 11 different malpractices amounting to statutory criminal offences.


10 years ago


Govt sets out plan to eliminate water woes

>The government has launched the second phase of Water Sector Development Programme (WSDPII) that will be implemented over a period of seven years at the cost of $3.34 billion (Sh5.6 trillion).


11 years ago


Give the people what they want: MPs say

MPs James Lembeli of CCM and Philemon Ndesamburo of Chadema have urged their fellow Constituent Assembly members to put aside narrow political interests when debating the draft constitution.


10 years ago


After winning, MPs LIVE people with nothing

Monotony is this columnist’s pet hate. Let’s agree: using a word more than once in a sentence is a hopeless way of expressing oneself. It bores. A mark of intellectual laziness that’s sure to turn off the reader who has parted with his hard-earned cash to buy your newspaper.


10 years ago

Daily News

MPs nod to people's commendable budget

MPs nod to people's commendable budget
Daily News
NATIONAL Assembly on Tuesday finally endorsed the 2015/16 budget after a protracted debate. When Finance Minister Saada Mkuya Salum unveiled the national budget for 2015/16 in the National Assembly in which she announced new tax measures, ...


11 years ago


Govt explains monetary union to MPs

>The government has allayed fears of lawmakers over endorsing the East African Community (EAC) Monetary Union Protocol, saying many windows of opting out of it in case things go wrong would be available.


11 years ago


MPs want loan applications by govt brought before Parliament

MPs want loan applications by govt brought before Parliament
Muhambwe legislator Felix Mkosamali contributes to debate in National Assembly in Dodoma yesterday on the proposed 2014/2015 Government budget. (Photo: Tryphone Mweji). After questioning the government's spending of borrowed funds, Members of ...



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