
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt moving to regulate labour migration

Govt moving to regulate labour migration
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in Tanzania and the Ministry of Labour and Employment has launched an initiative to support strategic interventions towards effective and sustainable labour migration management and information sharing ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Labour Ministry to regulate foreigner's employment

Labour Ministry to regulate foreigner's employment
Daily News
MEMBERS of Parliament (MPs) on Wednesday passed the Non-Citizens Employment Regulation Bill, 2014, giving the Labour Minister supreme powers in all matters relating to employment of non-citizens on Tanzania Mainland. The Bill, which seeks to ...


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Sadc proposals on labour migration in the pipeline

Sadc proposals on labour migration in the pipeline  The Citizen Daily


11 years ago


Govt now moves to regulate online content after outcry

The government is in the process of devising rules and regulations for guiding online content, Parliament was told here yesterday


10 years ago

Daily News

Govt mulls moving zonal land offices to Arusha

Govt mulls moving zonal land offices to Arusha
Daily News
THE government is considering relocating zonal land administration offices currently based in Moshi to Arusha. This was the view expressed by the Minister for Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development, Mr William Lukuvi, who said Arusha faced ...


11 years ago


Govt bans use of agents in labour relations in companies

The government has banned labour outsourcing in the country after the Tanzania Revenue Authority failed to collect Sh3 billion in Pay As You Earn tax for three years.


11 years ago


Govt to announce approved labour recruiting agencies

Govt to announce approved labour recruiting agencies
The government will later this month announce its approved list of qualified labour recruiting agencies permitted to work in the country. Speaking in an interview with this paper held yesterday in Dar es Salaam, Ministry of Labour and Employment ...


11 years ago


Teach students to compete in labour market, govt told

The Big Results Now (BRN) initiative being implemented in education will only make students learn how to pass examinations rather than prepare them to compete in the labour market, a lecture has cautioned.


10 years ago

Business Standard

A bleak Labour Day for unions as govt makes it harder to form one

Deutsche Welle
A bleak Labour Day for unions as govt makes it harder to form one
Business Standard
Barely a week after trade unions across the country celebrate the Labour Day, the National Democratic Alliance government will meet workers' and industry representatives on May 6 to discuss proposals to make forming unions tougher and union activities ...
Tanzanians Celebrate Labour Day On
'It's we who shape the future of work!'Deutsche Welle
Another View: Germany shows the way on...


11 years ago


Bill to regulate house rents in pipeline

Plans are underway to table a Bill in Parliament that will regulate landlords and bar them from setting unilateral rental charges.



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