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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt plans to form 10 person land conflict resolution team

Govt plans to form 10 person land conflict resolution team
The government is planning to form a ten person team to manage arbitration and reconciliation of land conflicts between farmers and pastoralists in Kiteto District, Manyara Region. Making the announcement over the weekend at the Roho Mtakatifu cathedral, ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Forum proposes 15 person in CA dispute resolution team

Forum proposes 15 person in CA dispute resolution team
A 15 person reference and dispute resolution team has been proposed for the Constitution Assembly (CA). However, it has been specified that the proposed team is to be formed if and when the boycotting members of the Coalition for people's constitution ...


10 years ago


Govt intervention sought to end land conflict killings in Dodoma

Govt intervention sought to end land conflict killings in Dodoma
Following a series of land conflict related killings in several villages in the new Nchemba District, Dodoma Region, villagers and leaders in the district are calling for immediate intervention from the central government. The villagers of Farkwa, Ovada and ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Conflict resolution training vital in cr prone areas

Conflict resolution training vital in cr prone areas
Daily News
TRAINING in conflict resolution can go a long way towards solving clashes among pastoralts and farmers in the country. Deputy Director Academic, Research and consultancy at Centre for Foreign Relations (CFR), Dr Kitojo Wetengere, told reporters before ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Clerics trained in conflict resolution, peace building

Clerics trained in conflict resolution, peace building
Daily News
RELIGIOUS leaders from various countries in Africa have convened in Arusha for a special conflicts and resolution training sessions as part of efforts to address cases of religious and tribal conflicts that keep recurring in the continent. Held at the MS-Training ...


10 years ago


Clerics denounce force, advocate dialogue as key to conflict resolution

Clerics denounce force, advocate dialogue as key to conflict resolution
Bishop Thaddeus Ruwa'ichi of the Catholic Church reads joint statement by Muslim and Christian leaders in Tanzania on importance of peace building and peaceful co-existence at the end of their meeting in Dar es Salaam yesterday. With him are Zanzibar ...
Religious Leaders Stress

all 3


9 years ago


Uganda govt plans to make changes on new finance lawdeveloped,training,plans,holistic,practically

EOC had started training government agencies, and even developed the score cards


11 years ago


LAND CONFLICT: Residents defy DC’s order

>Residents of Kongowe Ward here, who agreed to divide among themselves over 100 hectares of land they claimed had been abandoned for over 20 years, have opposed the district commissioner’s order to suspend their decision to occupy the land.


11 years ago

Daily News

More effective land conflict solving machinery sought

Daily News
More effective land conflict solving machinery sought
Daily News
THE use of special councils in solving land conflicts (land councils) has proved ineffective and the government has promised to consider amendment of the existing laws to allow other legal entities to help in arbitration. The Minister of State in the Prime ...


11 years ago


Police form team to hunt for nun’s killer

Police have formed a task force to investigate Monday shooting of a Catholic nun in the city in a daylight robbery incident.



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