
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt tables Bill on PPP initiative

The government has tabled the Public Private Partnership (PPP) Amendment Bill, 2014, that seeks to put in place a conducive environment for implementation of various projects between the public and private sectors in the country.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Govt tables new Vat Bill, Opposition says it’s bad

>The government yesterday tabled the Value Added Tax (VAT) Bill, 2014 which among other issues aims at improving a system of collecting revenue and seal loopholes for tax evasion.


10 years ago


Govt mulls PPP arrangement for one

Govt mulls PPP arrangement for one - stop - border posts
Daily News
THE government is considering constructing and running one stop border posts under public private partnership (PPP), in order increase efficiency of transit goods and cut down trade costs in the region. The Industry and Trade Minister, Dr Abdallah Kigoda, ...


9 years ago


Govt vows to streamline PPP plan

The government has vowed to tackle all the challenges that hinder execution of projects under partnership deals between the public and private sectors.


10 years ago


Govt Tables Six Bills for First Reading in Parliament

Govt Tables Six Bills for First Reading in Parliament
Dodoma — THE government tabled for first reading in the National Assembly six Bills which are expected to go through all approval processes and passed during the ongoing sessions of the House. A timetable issued on the Parliament website indicated that ...
Bill tabled for first readingThe Star Online

all 5


10 years ago

Daily News

Govt mulls centre to coordinate PPP projects

Govt mulls centre to coordinate PPP projects
Daily News
ESTABLISHMENT of a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Centre offers immense opportunity for the transformation of the national economy, the government said in Dar es Salaam. “Coordination of both the private and public sectors in execution of various ...


10 years ago


PAC tables steps to end govt waste

>The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) yesterday proposed drastic changes in a number of financial areas after noting serious shortcomings as established by the Controller and Auditor General (CAG).


10 years ago


Govt defends Media Bill in House

Govt defends Media Bill in House
The government has defended the Media Services Bill, saying it is a good foundation towards recognition of journalism as a profession, duties and rights of the press. However, the opposition contends that the bill is ridiculous, and would take the country back ...


10 years ago


Statistics Bill flawed, govt tells House

The government yesterday withdrew the Statistics Bill 2013 which MPs were debating after it was tabled earlier in the morning.


10 years ago


Govt now drops move to rush information bill

>The government at last heeded to public outcry and dropped a plan to table two controversial information bills under a certificate of urgency that would have locked out views from key players.



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