
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt unveils plans to reduce shortage of science teachers

Govt unveils plans to reduce shortage of science teachers
The government plans to re-introduce sub-combination for high school students, particularly those pursuing science subjects, a bid to increase science teachers in the country. The system allows students to specialise in as few as two subjects while in high ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Partnership vital in arresting shortage of science teachers

Partnership vital in arresting shortage of science teachers
"Nothing energises teachers more than examples of what they can do with what they already have. (File photo). Since launching of the new Education and Training Policy (ETP), there have been a number of questions from education stakeholders as they ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Kagera region faces acute shortage of science teachers

Kagera region faces acute shortage of science teachers
Daily News
MISENYI district in Kagera Region faces a shortage of 127 teachers for secondary schools, with 103 being science teachers, the Misenyi District Academic Officer, Mr George Rubaiyuka has disclosed. He noted that to-date the district has a total of 333 ...


10 years ago


Govt on new mission to train 2000 science teachers

Govt on new mission to train 2000 science teachers
It was indeed a privilege and pride for Jenister Mhagama, the Deputy Minister for Education and Vocational Training, to launch a new project which aims at upgrading the content knowledge of science teachers in the country. The new project was launched in ...


9 years ago


Uganda govt plans to make changes on new finance lawdeveloped,training,plans,holistic,practically

EOC had started training government agencies, and even developed the score cards


10 years ago


Teachers shortage hurting Tanzania

>Tanzania is one of the top ten countries globally with the highest projection of total number of teachers who have to be recruited by 2030.


10 years ago


CCM unveils programme on science laboratories

The ruling party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), has launched a special programme of involving the people in the construction of science laboratories.


11 years ago


Land use plans could promote conservation, reduce conflicts

Land use plans could promote conservation, reduce conflicts
January 26, 2013 will go into the annals of history of Masasi District as the day that halted the development process and sent all plans back to the drawing board. On that day mobs of rioting youths stormed into the District Council's compound and set fire to ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Shortage of teachers a challenge for public schools

Shortage of teachers a challenge for public schools
Daily News
CONDUCIVE teaching and learning environments have been listed as the ingredients behind the success of the top ten schools in the last national primary school leaving examinations. HakiElimu acting Executive Director, Mr Bonaventure Geoffrey, told the ...


10 years ago


Cellphone firm unveils plan on science books

 Airtel Tanzania has unveiled a programme to supply science subjects textbooks worth Sh55 million to more than 30 secondary schools



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