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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Greed would have deeply upset Mwalimu

Excessively greedy individuals can sell their mothers in order to attain ridiculous ambitions. So remarked Mwalimu Nyerere at a rally in Dar es Salaam once, on one of the occasions when his temper was at its fiercest.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


CA members’ greed

>Just how much does a Constituent Assembly (CA) member need to stay comfortably in Dodoma when discussing the draft constitution?


10 years ago


Mugabe hits out at greed, selfishness

>Some leaders of African independence parties are presiding over the looting of national resources at the expense of public service delivery, according to Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe.


10 years ago


Digest Kikwete’s hint deeply

It is significant that, as Mr Jakaya Kikwete’s presidency draws to a close, he is openly admitting that the job is stressful and thankless.


11 years ago


Why West’s fascination with Lupita is deeply suspicious

I didn’t want to write another article about Lupita Nyong’o as so much has already been written about this talented Kenyan actress.


11 years ago


Per diem greed drives CA, says Prof Saffari

Per diem greed drives CA, says Prof Saffari
Analysts have called for President Jakaya Kikwete to call off the ongoing Constituent Assembly (CA), on grounds of legitimacy and cost consciousness. The argument is that even if it were to pass through the manipulation of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi ...


11 years ago


Gun-induced deaths of youth deeply disturbing

While the news media may gorge upon the millennial trait or terror du jour, one of the most pervasive threats to young adults in the US is neither novel nor particularly sexy.


10 years ago


Corruption, a hydra-headed crime, is deeply entrenched in Africa ntinent

Since the days of colonialism, Western countries have always had an obligation to support former colonial territories in terms of development. Colonial governments set up social, political and economic structures.


10 years ago


MBITIRU: Head deeply buried in sand for Gambian leader after coup bid

>Belatedly, it’s a new year but inauspicious beginnings abound in Africa. The power by the barrel of the gun and rule-by-fear-instilling mob is still around.


11 years ago


Ambition, investor greed fuel the rise and fall of top Dubai construction firm

From a 59-storey tower in Abu Dhabi, the offices of Arabtec look out over the Gulf towards Middle Eastern and Asian nations where the construction firm hopes to expand. It is a symbol of the company’s ambitions - and the way in which they have run into hard reality.



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