Guinea to vote in tense elections
Guinea is to vote in presidential elections with the build-up marred by violent clashes between opposition and pro-government supporters.
Habari Zinazoendana
9 years ago
BBC12 Oct
Guinea opposition demands vote re-run
10 years ago
Daily News12 Dec
11 million to vote in civic elections
Daily News
SOME 11.4 million eligible voters have regtered for the forthcoming civic elections slated for December 14, th year, representing 62 per cent of the intended target of 18.6 million people. Th according to data provided by the Director of Local Governments ...
10 years ago
VIDEO: Clashes in Guinea over elections
9 years ago
TheCitizen15 Oct
Turnout high in Guinea elections
11 years ago
Will elections bring stability to Guinea-Bissau?
10 years ago
AllAfrica.Com17 Jun
Bishop Urges Youth to Vote in Coming Elections
Mpanda — Bishop Gervas Nyaisonga of the Catholic Diocese of Mpanda, Tanzania has called on youth in the country to participate in the coming General Elections. "Go and register as voters and know that your vote will make a difference by voting for good ...
10 years ago
Dewji Blog17 Feb
2015 MISA’s ‘Women to Watch’: Nominate Hoyce Temu, Vote Tanzania… Vote now
Former Miss Tanzania 1999, Hoyce Temu on field during the recording of her TV talk show.
She also has her own talk show, Mimi na Tanzania (Me and Tanzania), which focuses on CSRs, fundraising, and supporting women and children through the promotion of human rights, gender equality, and access to healthcare and education.
Please nominate her on this category: “Journalists, reporters, presenters who stand out in their field”
International Women’s Day just around the corner, MISA’s is looking...
9 years ago
TheCitizen04 Oct
CROSS ROADS : Vote and vote right for our collective destiny!
9 years ago
Close22 Oct
Country Tense Ahead of Too
In Homeland Security
Zanzibar — On a hot humid night on Zanzibar island, armed soldiers patrol a central roundabout where two opposing crowds have gathered. As Tanzania readies for its fifth multi-party elections on Sunday, supporters of the ruling Chama Chama Mapinduzi ...
Challenging the descendants of JuliusThe Economist
Why Mpanda ex-lawmaker quit ChademaDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
5 Reasons Tanzania...