
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


HARISSI: Promises of love, jobs for foreign recruits in IS ‘utopia’

It has become known for horrific images of beheadings and torture, but the Islamic State group is trying to lure foreign recruits to its “caliphate” with promises of adventure, homes, jobs -- even love.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Lowassa promises 30pc proceeds from foreign investors

Chadema presidential candidate Edward Lowassa has assured Tanzanians that he will ensure that each Tanzanian benefits from investment contracts with foreign investors, if he comes to power.


9 years ago


VIDEO: Africa Utopia returns to London

A festival celebrating the art and culture of Africa has returned to London for a third year.


10 years ago


ONE MAN'S VIEW: We love spinning out lies; women love to swallow them

>Men like to lie to women especially when they want to get between the sheets with them. Women on the other hand will take in lies even those lies that are in black and white and disputable.


10 years ago

Daily News

New Immigration recruits axed

New Immigration recruits axed
Daily News
THE government has terminated 200 police corporals and constables alleged to have been recently recruited by the Immigration Department on the basis of nepotism. In a news conference in Dar es Salaam on Thursday, the Permanent Secretary in the ...


11 years ago

Daily News

'JKT recruits are treated humanely'

'JKT recruits are treated humanely'
Daily News
Tanzania National Service (JKT) has refuted information spread through mole phone text messages and other social media including Jamii Forums alleging that a number of recruits have died while in training. The message purports that Form Six leavers who ...


11 years ago


200 police recruits kicked out of college

>The Police force has sacked 212 recruits which it detected had gained enrollment at the country’s leading training college by using forged certificates of secondary education.


10 years ago


Lutheran Church recruits altar sisters

Lutheran Church recruits altar sisters
Normally it is the Catholic Church which has nuns but the Northern Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church has shown the way through recruiting altar sisters and 76 of these have proved to be successful in that they managed to last for 25 years.
Lutheran Church Sisters

all 4


11 years ago


Kenya al-Shabab terror recruits 'in it for the money'

Why a Kenyan militant joined al-Shabab and resorted to terror


11 years ago


'Child recruits' in South Sudan war

More than 9,000 child soldiers are fighting in South Sudan's brutal civil war as the country faces the threat of famine, the UN human rights chief says.



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