
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Has the opposition forgotten its key issues on new Katiba?

One of the central arguments of opposition politicians when they first pushed for the writing of a new Constitution was that the country needs constitutional reforms to get an independent electoral commission.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


CA must address key issues on governance

CA must address key issues on governance
For the past two months, Members of the Constituent Assembly have been discussing the Second Draft Constitution presented by retired Judge Joseph Warioba, which proposes the structure of governance – the most contentious of all matters. In these ...


9 years ago


Observers raise key issues on elections

As CCM has won leadership of the country  and political intrigues are trumpeted by the opposition CHADEMA leaders, local and international observers have raised various pertinent issues relating to irregularities during the electoral process.


11 years ago


INSIGHT: Key issues in property transfer and registration

>Real property is a booming industry in Tanzania, especially in Dar es Salaam. Investors and local business men and women spend their money on buildings and apartments, even in the outskirts of the city.


10 years ago


ELECTION PLATFORM: Foreign policy one of key issues CCM aspirants skipped

>It has been a month of promises to Tanzanians especially those who care about politics if not all. Nearly all of those, who aspire for presidency through CCM ticket, have used the past four weeks to promise Tanzania a new country.


9 years ago


2015 elections: CCM loses key local authorities to opposition

While Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) has continued to control the central government, the ruling party has lost its power in local authorities, including the key economic city and town councils in the country.


11 years ago


#Katiba envoys told to debate issues, not people [VIDEO]

You’re unlikely to get your new Katiba any time soon. That is, unless the CA finds a way to stop the insults and personal attacks that have become hallmarks of Constituent Assembly debate.


10 years ago

Daily News

State chides opposition over new Katiba

State chides opposition over new Katiba
Daily News
THE government has insisted it has the right to mobilize the public for a 'yes' vote for the proposed constitution, scheduled to take place on April 30, this year. Deputy Minister for Constitutional and Legal Affairs, Ms Ummi Mwalimu, told the National Assembly ...


11 years ago

Daily News

CA passes key Katiba rules

Daily News
CA passes key Katiba rules
Daily News
TANZANIA has logged a historical achievement by preparing and passing the regulations that will guide Constituent Assembly members in rewriting the Constitution. The relations have been prepared and passed in less than a month. A historic milestone was ...


10 years ago


Consensus key to Katiba process

 For the last 30 years or so, particularly after the re-introduction of political pluralism in 1992, there have been persistent demands for a new constitutional order in Tanzania. These demands were partly re-enforced by the recommendations by the Nyalali Commission in 1991, but pressure can be traced back to the 1980s.



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