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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Here comes Women’s empowerment show, successful women in the spotligh

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Educate, Empower and Inspire is a women’s empowerment show. The aim of this show is to put successful women in the spotlight and get a glimpse as to how they are making a difference to our society and how they can inspire others to do the same.

My first guest was Dr. Trish Scanlan who runs the paediatric oncology department at Muhimbili hospital. Since her involvement in 2008, along with her dedicated team of Tanzanian doctors and nurses, the short term survival rates of children with...

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

More funds to go to women empowerment

Daily News
More funds to go to women empowerment
Daily News
EFFORTS by women to engage in productive activities to fight poverty must be augmented by deliberate allocation of at least five per cent of district and municipal council's annual income. Deputy Minister of State, Prime Minister's Office (Regional ...


10 years ago


Time to Act on Women Empowerment is Now

Time to Act on Women Empowerment is Now
ON SUNDAY, Tanzania joined the rest of the word to mark the International Women's Day with our mothers, sisters, daughters and nieces from all walks of lives taking part in the event countrywide. The day, which is marked every year, comes at a time when ...


10 years ago


COVER: Are men intimidated by successful women?

>Career success of one partner in a relationship doesn’t have to determine the longevity of that relationship.


10 years ago


'Only legal empowerment will end violence against women'

'Only legal empowerment will end violence against women'
Legal empowerment is a practical instrument that could halt massive discrimination and violence against women and girls in Tanzania. “Communities must be empowered if we really want to rescue women and girls from massive human rights violation, which ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Exploit empowerment plans, DC tells women

Exploit empowerment plans, DC tells women
Daily News
WOMEN have been challenged to exploit economic empowerment programmes so that no woman is left mired in abject poverty in the Isles. “Many women still face economic difficulties even in getting basic needs. It is possible to bring about change if we all ...


11 years ago


Promoting gender equality, women empowerment

Promoting gender equality and empowering women has been an international outcry that the United Nations summit of September 2000 decided to give priority to as the third Millennium Development Goal (MDG3).


10 years ago


Give women education, economic empowerment

Today, the world enters the second week of the programme entitled “16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence”. In the past week, numerous issues have emerged. Women have spoken more openly on their plight while charting the way forward.


10 years ago


Kinana Commends Kikwete Over Women Empowerment

Kinana Commends Kikwete Over Women Empowerment
Chamwino — AS Tanzania joined the world in celebrating the International Women's Day on Sunday, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Secretary General, Mr Abdulrahman Kinana, commended President Jakaya Kikwete for availing more leadership posts to ...



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