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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


High Court blocks $75m IPTL pay as Malaysians speak out

>The High Court yesterday granted an injunction barring the withdrawal of $75 million (Sh121 billion) escrow monies paid to VIP Engineering and Marketing, a local company that had at one time owned 30 per cent of the  (IPTL)


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


$270m deal: Story of IPTL, PAP and High Court

>The acquisition of the Independent Power Tanzania Ltd (IPTL) facilities has caused anxiety and raised questions in legal and government circles—with some analysts likening it with the $131 million External Payments Arrears (EPA) mind-boggling scam.


10 years ago


High Court Stays Hearing of IPTL Case Against Speaker

Daily News
High Court Stays Hearing of IPTL Case Against Speaker
HIGH Court has stayed the hearing of an application by Independent Power Tanzania Limited (IPTL) and Pan African Power Solutions Tanzania Limited (PAP) against the Speaker of the National Assembly and seven other respondents regarding ...
Concerns surface as State House moves to probe Tegeta escrow account saga ...IPPmedia

all 7


11 years ago


Form Six high-flyers speak out

 In the wake of much surprise and growing suspicion about the overall improvement in this year’s Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE), we look at three students who made it to the top ten list.


10 years ago


Kenya court blocks security law

Kenya's High Court suspends some sections of the controversial new security law which was enacted last month despite fierce opposition.


9 years ago


Dutch court blocks Rwandan extraditions

A Dutch court on Friday blocked the extradition of two Rwandan men accused of involvement in the central African country’s 1994 genocide, court papers and media reports said.


11 years ago


EAC court blocks Speaker’s removal

Margareth Nantongo Zziwa, the troubled Speaker of the East African Legislative Assembly, has been granted a no doubt welcome break by the regional court, which reached a decision yesterday that she will remain in power until it rules on her status on May 29.


10 years ago


EU court blocks gay asylum tests

The EU's top court says refugees who claim asylum on the grounds that they are homosexual should not have to undergo tests to prove it.


9 years ago


High Court and Media Council launch training for court staff and journalists

High Court and Media Council launch training for court staff and journalists
The High Court of Tanzania in collaboration with the Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) has organised a two-day training for journalists who cover court cases. The training will be officially opened by Chief Justice Mohamed Othman Chande, tomorrow in Dar ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Court panel stalls gas blocks case hearing

Court panel stalls gas blocks case hearing
Daily News
DISPOSAL of three actions pending before the High Court involving interest rights in three gas blocks in southern Tanzania is likely to be delayed due to failure to convene a three judge bench assigned to determine the matter. According to court records, the ...



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