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HOMES&PROPERTY: President Magufuli we’re in dire need of land reforms

“Land reforms include reforms or improvements in the land tenure system as well as reforms in other institutions, which are related to land and its utilisation such as consolidation of holdings, size of holdings, methods of farming and supply of agricultural credit etc.” - UN.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Tanzania: Homes and Property - President Magufuli We're in Dire Need of Land ...

Tanzania: Homes and Property - President Magufuli We're in Dire Need of Land ...
With President John Magufuli in office, there is a renewed hope with the Tanzania government by many, who admire his work ethic and his resilient first days in office. However, in relation to his priorities set about a week or so when addressing the ...
Rowan DeanThe Courier-MailCourier Mail
10 things Zuma can learn from Tanzania's new presidentTheSouthAfrican

all 9


10 years ago


HOMES & PROPERTY: Why I think it is worth having real estate lawyer

>In almost every real estate transaction in Tanzania, one is faced with the same question always. “Is it necessary for me to hire a real estate lawyer?” The answer is both simple and complex.


10 years ago


HOMES & PROPERTY: How regular savings can turn you into millionaire

>It is extremely important to change your mind-set. You can start with enough money to buy an Ipod player and end up with enough to buy a car or a house or a trip around the world.


10 years ago


HOMES & PROPERTY: What you’re entitled to from landlord as tenant

>The end of the year is approaching, so does the start of another year and new budgets. If you are a landlord or landlady then a smile lights up your face, but if you are a tenant, your head has started to spin. Most Tanzanians live in rental houses. As tenants do we all know our rights and what we should do in case we face problems with our landlords or landladies?


10 years ago


HOMES & PROPERTY: Problems likely to emerge when buying residential real estate

>A transaction of residential real estate normally involves two parties, the buyer and the seller and at times a third party, the lender. If there is a third party, then the transaction becomes a bit complex. Plus, the law that governs conveyance and real estate transaction in general is different from the law governing other kinds of purchases. You cannot compare it to buying a “bodaboda” or a “techno mobile phone”.


10 years ago


HOMES & PROPERTY: Crucial legal issues in legal estate law

>Real estate contracts are binding legal documents. They form the bases of the sale and buying of a property. The wishes or rather the agreements, terms and conditions of the buyer and a seller in the purchase are reflected in a contract.


9 years ago

The Star

Why I'm still cynical of President Magufuli's reforms

The Star
Why I'm still cynical of President Magufuli's reforms
The Star
President John Magufuli, you tempt me. You tempt me so. I need my cynicism. Not even kidding: I actually need it to work. And yet I'm ever so tempted to give in to actually liking what's going on in Tanzania now. To suspend cynicism and, say, believe ...
Tanzania: Private Sector Operators Commend Magufuli's Cabinet
Magufuli reappoints energy minister who had resigned over graft claimsThe Standard Digital...


10 years ago


Minister suspends four land officers over property misallocation

Minister suspends four land officers over property misallocation
Five land officers in Tabora Municipal Council have been suspended following allegations of 'masterminding land conflict' that caused land misallocation. The officers were suspended late last week by former Deputy Minister for Lands and Human Settlement ...


10 years ago


MONEY & PROPERTY: Why it’s possible to be millionaire

>In Tanzania most people are very scared of investing in anything that is considered “risky”. For some, real estate investment fits in that category.  Today, I wish to share with you a compounding theory from a collection of articles on the matter of which I believe will help shed light on how investment can yield returns, especially for those who have little to invest in the considered “risky” investment. The years maybe longer, but the end will justify the...



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