
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Honour people’s views, Katiba Assembly urged

Judge Thomas Mihayo (rtd) has urged members of the Constituent Assembly (CA) to ensure they honour the views of people found in the yet to be debated second Draft Constitution.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Traders urged to make good use of Katiba assembly

 Traders in Dodoma Municipality have been advised to set strategies that will enable them to provide reliable and quality services ahead of the Constituent Assembly session.


10 years ago

Daily News

Dar residents urged to honour voter registration

Dar residents urged to honour voter registration
Daily News
NEWLY-formed ACTWazalendo has appealed to Dar es Salaam residents to register in the Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) exercise that started in the city today to enable them become eligible voters in the October general elections. “Voting is the basic ...


11 years ago


People’s views must be respected

More importantly, it is difficult for a group of over 600 people with different political ideologies to convene and prepare a new Draft Constitution.


10 years ago


Public told to only approve new constitution with people's views

Public told to only approve new constitution with people's views
Tanzanians have been called on to ensure that their opinions collected by the Constitution Review Commission (CRC) are reflected in the final draft before they participate in the referendum to enact the new constitution. The call was made by Johnson ...


10 years ago

Patheos (Blog)

Ocean Views, Prop Plane Panoramas and Plenty of People Watching ...

Ocean Views, Prop Plane Panoramas and Plenty of People Watching ...
Patheos (blog)
It's truly hard to say where “today” began and ended. After spending the bulk of the weekend in transit, this was our first full day in Tanzania for our #CRSMedia Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl Mission. As a reminder, along with Tom Price and Susan ...


11 years ago


Aim for consensus, assembly urged

Members of the Constituent Assembly were urged yesterday to aim for a national consensus when discussing the draft constitution.


11 years ago


Union of the people crucial, Assembly member observes

>Constituent Assembly (CA) member Hamid Masoud Jongo sees the Union of peoples of Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar as being more important than the structure which has been surrounded by controversy.


11 years ago


'Constituent Assembly dare not forget people with disabilities'

'Constituent Assembly dare not forget people with disabilities'
It was a very colourful event for it had pulled people from all walks of life. Never had I seen so many people so determined to learn and setting aside their differences. The tranquil situation, the sense of compassion for persons with disabilities and the priority in ...


11 years ago


CA team lead screamed at over ‘personal’ #Katiba views [VIDEO]

>Katiba reps got into yet another row early Friday after CA members claimed chair of Select Committee No. 1 Ummy Mwalimu slyly reported ‘her personal opinions’ as the final findings of her committee.



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