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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


How to conduct voluntary winding up of a company

In Tanzania a company incorporated or registered under the Companies Act No. 12 of 2002 may be dissolved or deregistered in different ways and for different reasons. One reason for closing down a business may be financial difficulties. The process of closing down a company and having it deregistered is called ‘winding up’.


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

Galus Australis

Global Brandy Market 2017-2026| Company I, Company II, Company III

Global Brandy Market 2017-2026| Company I, Company II, Company III  Galus Australis


11 years ago


PSPF gets voluntary members

The Public Sector Pensions Fund (PSPF) has attracted 30,000 voluntary contributors to the fund.


10 years ago


Go for voluntary blood donations: WHO

Dar es Salaam. The director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr Magreth Chan, has called on governments in member countries to put their faith in voluntary blood donation as the best way to save millions of lives.


5 years ago

Bandera County Courier

Global Ammunition Market Opportunity Assessments 2020-2025| Remington Arms Company, Magtech Ammunition Company, Global Ordnance, Poongsan Corporation

Global Ammunition Market Opportunity Assessments 2020-2025| Remington Arms Company, Magtech Ammunition Company, Global Ordnance, Poongsan Corporation  Bandera County Courier


10 years ago


Contributions for school labs should be voluntary, says govt

Contributions for school labs should be voluntary, says govt
In the wake of growing disputes, the government has directed councils in the country to seek consent of public workers before they deduct their salaries to fund the Presidential ordered construction of laboratories in public secondary schools before the end of ...


11 years ago


Assets at risk as voluntary insurance products ignored

Awareness on the importance of insurance is low in Tanzania.


9 years ago


Burundi’s president calls for voluntary arms handover

Burundian President Pierre Nkurunziza gave five days for a voluntary arms handover, warning that beyond the five days, people who will not hand over illegally kept arms will be considered as terrorists.


9 years ago


Tanzania: Health Insurance Service Versus Voluntary Contributions

Tanzania: Health Insurance Service Versus Voluntary Contributions
Medical expenses in many countries remain a common outcry affecting millions despite the growing demand for affordable system for enhanced provision of services for prevention, treatment and health promotion. However, the concept of better health for ...


11 years ago


Why the CA conduct is worrisome

>The ongoing Constituent Assembly (CA) Sitting in Dodoma though has captured Tanzanians’ attention; it has not lived up to what was expected of the House.



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