How to improve your relationship with money
One thing that all of us work hard to do is to earn money. We all need money to pay our bills, to finance our personal goals, and even our business or institutional goals.
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
TheCitizen09 Sep
EDITORIAL: Let us improve the way we handle paper money
10 years ago
Increase Adsense Earnings – make more money from blog is one of the major and biggest passion of a blogger. Adsense program is one of the main source to make money from blog. Various companies run this type of program but Google’s adsense product program is more popular than any other brand. Hence the policies and terms of the program are too strict which is the main reason of many bloggers to dislike Google adsense.Some of the bloggers are making decent income from this program and some are...
10 years ago
TheCitizen06 Sep
What if you are the problem in your relationship?
10 years ago
TheCitizen08 Feb
How strong is your relationship foundation
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TheCitizen23 Nov
Know when to call it quits in your relationship
10 years ago
10 years ago
AllAfrica.Com29 Oct
Tanzania Should Maximise Relationship With China
FOR the past week, the focus of the Tanzanian mainstream media was President Jakaya Kikwete's visit to China where his delegation drew lessons on that country's participation in the global movement towards bilateral, trilateral, and regional free-trade ...
Tanzania low-cost airline signs deal with Chinese digital distributoreTurboNews
all 2
9 years ago
Dewji Blog07 Oct
Comoros vow to set up relationship with SUZA
His Excellency Dr. Ahmada El Badaoui Mohamed, the Extraordinary Ambassador and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Comoros in the United Republic of Tanzania paid an official visit to the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) on Tuesday 6th October, 2015.
While here, H.E Dr. El Badaoui discussed with his host, Prof. Idris Ahmada Rai, the SUZA Vice Chancellor on various issues aiming at intensifying cooperation between Zanzibar and the Comoros. He said that Comoros and Zanzibar islands share many...
10 years ago
TheCitizen27 Dec
ONE MEN'S VIEW: Why realism is very important in any relationship