How to Keep Your Food Fresh for Longer
Nothing is more wasteful than food that hasn’t been eaten and allowed to go bad. It’s not only a waste of money but also a waste of good food that in other parts of the world would be worth more than gold. So as to not throw away good money after good food, here are some great tips to help you keep your foods fresh and tasty that much longer.
Apply a little butter to the cut side of a cheese wedge to make sure it doesn’t dry out.
Store potatoes with a few apples, this will stop them from...
Dewji Blog
Habari Zinazoendana
11 years ago
TheCitizen11 Apr
Singida no longer faces food woes as more crops grown
9 years ago
Dewji Blog31 Oct
hellofood donates food items from “You Say, We Give” campaign for World Food Day
hellofood is happy to announce a successful outcome of its “You say, we give” campaign (World Food Day) in Tanzania that ran from October 16th-22nd 2015. The go-to marketplace for online food delivery in Africa aims to raise awareness for the still existing inequality for world food supply. hellofood wants to emphasize the importance of everyone having access to food and daily necessities.
Therefore, hellofood created a special social media campaign to make this sensitive topic visible....
10 years ago
Dewji Blog16 Oct
On World Food Day, Un World Food Programme highlights progress towards zero hunger even as multiple emergencies flare
World Food Day WFP news release 2014 Oct 16.pdf by moblog
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It’s sad that we no longer believe in volunteerism!
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As cities, countries and companies navigate at...
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East African Business Week06 Sep
TAZARA no longer crosses common border
Times of Zambia
East African Business Week
MWANZA, Tanzania - Tanzania-Zambia Railways Authority (TAZARA) management has announced that trains in either country will no longer cross the common border. This is a blow to the concept of seamless transport links and observers say will cause ...
Seven men executedTimes of Zambia
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