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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


I deserve more recognition - Toure

Manchester City's Yaya Toure thinks he is not regarded as one of the best players on the planet because he is from Africa.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Hardworking mayors for recognition

Hardworking mayors for recognition
Daily News
THE Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania (ALAT), will for the first time present Awards to outstanding Mayors and Chairpersons of Urban and District Councils, in this year's 31st annual meeting. Addressing a press conference on Thursday, the Dar es ...


11 years ago


Alat lobbies for recognition

 Now that the Constituent Assembly (CA) has begun discussing the content of the mother law, the Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania (Alat) is headed for Dodoma to lobby for its inclusion in the new statues.


10 years ago

Daily News

Local charity gets international recognition

Local charity gets international recognition
Daily News
A LOCAL charity, Childreach Tanzania, has scooped an international award for outstanding work and to be presented a 2014 Stars Impact Award for Education by former US President Bill Clinton at a London hotel. The Stars Impact Awards recognize and ...


11 years ago


Nyerere world recognition day

Nyerere world recognition day
Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Bernard Membe Membe has announced that as of this year, October 9 to 14 will be 'The International Nyerere Commemoration week'. He said the five days will be held to commemorate the founder of ...
World to honour Nyerere at ButiamaDaily News

all 2


11 years ago


Elders call for recognition in constitution

Elders in the country have urged members of the Constituent Assembly to recognize them as a special group just like people with disabilities, women and others who are often given special treatment including representation in Parliament.


10 years ago


Finally! Recognition for Kiswahili writers

>When told to think of Africa’s  top three Prizes in literature many would not think of one that promotes Kiswahili. This, however, is slowly changing as more Prizes that promote the language emerge. Last November, English Professor at Cornell University in the US, Prof Mukoma wa Ngugi, announced The Mabati-Cornell Kiswahili Prize for African Literature. The prize is co-founded by Prof Mukoma and Lizzy Attree who is also a director at Caine Prize.


11 years ago


Low recognition stagnating performance of secretaries

Low recognition stagnating performance of secretaries
Little to no recognition and representation is stagnating personal secretaries performance and stakeholders are been called to step up to the challenge if the sector is to register any meaningful development. Arusha District Commissioner John Mongela has ...


11 years ago

Daily News

NBAA challenged to seek international recognition

NBAA challenged to seek international recognition
Daily News
THE government launched new syllabi on accounting and professional examination schemes with a call to the National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA), to market its operations beyond the country's borders for its examination to be recognised ...


11 years ago

Daily News

People living in the Diaspora want recognition in new Katiba

People living in the Diaspora want recognition in new Katiba
Daily News
TANZANIANS living in the Diaspora are proposing the new constitution specifically spells out and recognises their contribution in building the economy of the country. They say this would also require government to consider dual citizenship, so that people in ...



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