
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


I have learnt to never give up in life

Whenever her name is mentioned, my mind goes way back to the mid 80s when I was growing up. As a child it was a sin to miss the famous Mama na mwana programme, which was aired every Saturday at 2pm on Radio Tanzania.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Some lessons learnt from life balance

We have several lessons to share with you basing on our own lives. From Nido Qubein, we have nine lessons to share while Azim Jamal will also have eight lessons.


10 years ago


Give trl a new lease of life

Our central railway system is a sad testimony of just how much our country has stagnated or backtracked instead of making social and economic strides with the passage of time.


11 years ago


Give blood, save a life!

Blood donors are unsung heroes who save the lives of thousands of people every year. For many, though, the issue is only of concern when a hospitalised relative is badly in need of blood.


10 years ago


KAGWANJA: Nigeria’s electoral strategies give new lease of life to jihadism

>In mid-December last year, I warned that “elite fiddling with terrorism [is] pushing democracy to the brink”.


5 years ago

The Independent

'I thought it was a dream': Creatures found deep beneath the sea give hope for life on Mars

'I thought it was a dream': Creatures found deep beneath the sea give hope for life on Mars  The Independent


10 years ago


Africa in 2014: 10 things we've learnt

... and nine other things we've learnt in Africa this year


11 years ago


Africa in 2013: 10 things we've learnt

... and nine other things we've learnt in Africa this year


11 years ago


It’s time we learnt to live within our means

Last week, donors of the general budget support (GBS) group promised to give the government over half a billion dollars for this year’s budget. The Sh904 billion that they promised was Sh15 billion short of what they offered for the current financial year and far below the Sh1.48 trillion they provided during 2009/10.



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