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I Love U Tanzania More Than My Mother !?


Dewji Blog

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


22 years without the love of a mother

They say that the word mother is a verb, not a noun, but for Susan Njue, 23, it was simply a synonym of sorrow while growing up.


10 years ago


When society shuns a mother’s love for her son

I think we underestimate the things a mother is willing to do for her  child. Scientists attribute this devotion to the bonding that takes place before and after birth which is stimulated by the release of the hormones;  oxytocin and prolactin.


11 years ago


Tanzania steps up action to reduce mother-to-child HIV transmission

The government is embarking on a campaign aimed at reducing the mother-to-child HIV transmission rate from the current 15 per cent to 5 per cent by next year.


10 years ago


ONE MAN'S VIEW: We love spinning out lies; women love to swallow them

>Men like to lie to women especially when they want to get between the sheets with them. Women on the other hand will take in lies even those lies that are in black and white and disputable.


11 years ago

Glasgow South And Eastwood Extra

From Giffnock to Tanzania, with love

From Giffnock to Tanzania, with love
Glasgow South and Eastwood Extra
GIFFNOCK woman Phyllis Hutchison made a stop at a Tanzanian orphanage on the last day of a safari holiday — and it was an experience which changed her life. Phyllis and partner David Devlin had taken small gifts to give to children, and were taken by ...


10 years ago

The Independent (Blog)

Adopting in Tanzania — Love transcends law

The Independent (blog)
Adopting in Tanzania – Love transcends law
The Independent (blog)
Tanzania 300x225 Adopting in Tanzania – Love transcends law The small boy I found under a mango tree that day is, finally, legally my son. After wrangling with every conceivable authority here in Tanzania for seven years in an epic battle because my ...


9 years ago


Tanzania: Single in the City - Falling in Love With the Policeman

Tanzania: Single in the City - Falling in Love With the Policeman
He knows just when I need punishment, knows to bend me so I'm screaming for justice. Sho, this love is toxic. I know he threatens me with his voice, but deep below something is squirting. It's too much, I can't let go and I've been arrested. Is it the ...


5 years ago

Showbiz Cheat Sheet

'Thor: Love and Thunder': Natalie Portman Will Reportedly Find Love With One of the Avengers Who Isn't Named Thor

'Thor: Love and Thunder': Natalie Portman Will Reportedly Find Love With One of the Avengers Who Isn't Named Thor  Showbiz Cheat Sheet


10 years ago


My mother has become too abusive

Hi I am a 17-year old girl and I am having serious issues with my mother as we rarely get along. She is too involved in my life. She has a problem with almost everything I do and with time she has become violent and abusive. Last week when I came home and she looked at my results, she labelled me a failure and that was after another incident when she actually hit me because my room wasn’t organised and looked messy. She tells me I am a failure but what about her?



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