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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


I read books about politics

Rum Nickson Simon, aka, Nikki wa Pili is a high flying artist in the Bongo Flava circles.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Tanzanians encouraged to read, write books

Tanzanians encouraged to read, write books
Daily News
TANZANIANS have been urged to cultivate a culture of reading that will help them gain knowledge and attain development. The advice has been given by the upcoming author, Mr Evodius Katare, in Dar es Salaam. Mr Katare who also doubles as the Acting ...


9 years ago

Zitto Kabwe, MB

Vitabu 23 nilivyosoma mwaka 2015(The 23 Books I read in 2015) #letsread

Vitabu 23 nilivyosoma mwaka 2015

Zitto Kabwe

Nimesoma vitabu 23 tu mwaka huu unaoisha leo.

Mwaka 2015 ulikuwa mwaka wa uchaguzi, nimesoma zaidi kidogo ya nusu ya .

Katika mwaka 2015 niliweza kufanya uchambuzi wa vitabu 4 tu kwani ilipofika mwishoni mwa mwezi Machi, 2015 nilianza kazi mpya kabisa ya kujenga Chama kipya cha Siasa chenye kufuata mrengo wa kushoto – ACT...


10 years ago

Zitto Kabwe, MB

Vitabu Nilivyosoma 2014 — Books I have read in 2014 #BooksRead2014 #letsread

Mwaka 2014 nimesoma vitabu 53 na nimefanya uchambuzi wa vitabu 21 kupitia safu ya Kitabu na Kalamu ya gazeti la Raia Tanzania kila Jumatatu.

Tangu nimeanza utaratibu kuchapisha idadi ya vitabu nilivyosoma huu ni mwaka wa tatu sasa. Mwaka 2012 nilisoma vitabu 31, mwaka 2013 vitabu 13 na 2014 vitabu 53.

Mwaka 2014 niliuanza kwa changamoto nyingi sana katika maisha yangu ya kisiasa; kuvuliwa nyadhifa katika chama na kuwa hatarini kuvuliwa uanachama kilichopelekea kwenda mahakamani kutetea...


10 years ago

GlobeNewswire (Press Release)

Sir Emeka Offor Foundation and Books For Africa (BFA) to Donate 20000 Books ...

Sir Emeka Offor Foundation and Books For Africa (BFA) to Donate 20000 Books ...
GlobeNewswire (press release)
ABUJA, Nigeria, March 12, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Sir Emeka Offor Foundation, a non-governmental, philanthropic organization focused on youth employment, widows cooperative, education, healthcare and infrastructural development, is set to ...


9 years ago


POLITICS : Nyerere took us from one party to multiparty politics

A little more than 16 years have passed like so much water under the bridge since the founder of Tanzanian nationalism and iconic Satte President, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1922-99), perforce went to his maker on Octobeer 14, 1999 – leaving Tanzanians distressed, forlorn and near-distraught.


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

10 years ago

Dewji Blog

The meaning of dreams — A MUST READ!


Our dreams can reveal our subconscious, or can simply be random. We average between 3 to 7 dreams every night. We dream for up to 2 / 3 hours each night, and 90% of the dream is lost the first minute we wake up. You can’t dream and snore at the same time.

Read some more interesting facts about your dreams below:

1- There are no strangers in our dreams

The people in our dreams we have met or seen sometime before, even if we don’t remember. It could be someone who didn’t make a big impact in...


11 years ago


Rights book that you’ve to read now

>Tanzania continues to witness some of its most horrific crimes against humanity as the nation moves towards its new constitution.


9 years ago


Inspiring students to read

A number of schools across the country have been facing major challenges in offering the right quality of education for students. Poor quality and quantity of classrooms, an insufficient number of desks and a lack of textbooks are some of such challenges.



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