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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


I will work for your social security:Mghwira

ACT-Wazalendo presidential hopeful Anna Mghwira  addressed the residents of Nachingwea stating that securing citizens' social security funds would be top on her priority list if she were voted into office.


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago


Coronavirus in Africa: How to do social distancing at work

As Covid-19 infections rise across Africa, here are some tips on how and why to social distance.


11 years ago

Daily News

Call for formation of social work council

Call for formation of social work council
Daily News
SOCIAL workers in Tanzania have called for the establishment of National Social Work Council to steer the profession, which, despite its potential to bring about social reformation, is not fully utilised. Chairman of Tanzania Emerging Schools of Social Work ...


11 years ago


Institute of Social Work marks 40th anniversary

Institute of Social Work marks 40th anniversary
The Vice President Dr Mohamed Gharib Bilal is today expected to grace the 40th anniversary of the Institute of Social Work (ISW). According to the Vice Chancellor Dr Zena Mobeyo the aim of the anniversary, to run between today and Friday, is to celebrate ...


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Social security: go farther

>The number of Tanzanians covered by social security schemes remains low more than 50 years after independence. Those employed in the formal sector are the most likely beneficiaries. The majority of people, who are casual workers or self-employed, make do without social security.


10 years ago

Daily News

Don calls for social work inclusion in development plans

Don calls for social work inclusion in development plans
Daily News
A CALL has been made for effective social work interventions in East Africa, including Tanzania, in a bid to respond to various social problems. The call was made on Wednesday by Institute of Social Work Deputy Rector, Finance and Planning, Dr Zena ...


10 years ago


Zitto feted for drive on social security

>Kigoma North MP Zitto Kabwe received an award as Africa’s first champion in social security, even as it was announced that more than 43,000 farmers countrywide have now enrolled with the National Social Security Fund (NSSF).


9 years ago


EDITORIAL: Social security push apt

Socio-cultural set up is undergoing rapid change in Africa. One key institution affected by the change is the family.


10 years ago


Why social security schemes can’t invest outside Tanzania

What is the percentage of Tanzania’s population that has access to social security schemes in this period of post-liberalisation of the country’s social security system?


10 years ago


With greater awareness, social security can be more inclusive

With greater awareness, social security can be more inclusive
A national policy framework was proposed some years ago, with a view to enhancing social security systems and safeguarding children, people with disabilities and people belonging to other vulnerable groups. With the framework yet to be approved, records ...



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