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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


ICTR closes business after spending Sh3.4tr

>The mandate of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) ends in December, with the court having spent Sh3.4 trillion ($2 billion) to try about 50 genocide cases, or roughly $100 million annually.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Staff fate uncertain as AMI Hospital closes business

The fate of employees of Medical Investment Ltd (AMI) Hospital, also known as Trauma Centre in Dar es Salaam, hangs in the balance as the hospital officially closes business in Tanzania.


9 years ago


YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS : Study shows there’s good business in human waste!

Today is World Toilet Day… Cheers! The banner ‘Toilets save lives’ might sound mundane, far-fetched... Or, at best: a smart-alecky trader’s way of drawing attention to toilet-related ware be fobbed off upon unwary prospective customers…! 


10 years ago


Sh4.4tr required to decongest Dar

Dodoma. It is a story that has been told and retold so often, about plans to construct flyovers and modern highways in order to decongest Dar es Salaam, which is now synonymous with traffic jams that cost the economy Sh4 billion daily.


9 years ago


YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS: Retiring from Tanzania’s presidency is good business

Seemingly for the umpteenth time, Tanzania’s major partners-in-development have come out in lavish praise for what they described as peaceful, stable transition from one govt to another.


10 years ago


Tanzania lists projects for Sh1.4tr funding plan

>Tanzania has submitted projects worth more than Sh1.4 trillion to the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (Badea) for possible funding.


11 years ago


Government finally starts to repay Sh6.4tr it owes PSPF

>The government has started repaying part of the loan it owes the Public Service Pension Fund (PSPF), a senior official has said.


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

World Business Leaders Gather in Nigeria for Bayelsa Investment and Business Forum


The Bayelsa State Government of Nigeria ( says it has concluded arrangements to host global business leaders between 16th and 18th July, 2014, at its maiden investment and economic forum with the theme ‘Unlocking Bayelsa State’s Economic Potentials’.

Disclosing this at a press briefing in Lagos, the State Commissioner of Trade, Industry and Investment, Barrister Kemela Okara said the Forum was in line with the present administration’s economic blueprint of a...


10 years ago


YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS: PAC adds impetus to tax waivers review tempo

>The Tanzania Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is pushing for auditing existing tax exemptions in Tanzania to determine their merit or otherwise. [See ‘PAC calls for audit of all tax exemptions,’ Daily News: Jan. 14, 2015].


9 years ago


YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS :Magufuli;The hardest part is walking the talk!

After a little more than two months of strenuous electioneering involving especially two parties on different sides of the Political Divide, Tanzania has finally been ‘given a new’ president.



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