
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


I’ll get rid of corruption, Magufuli assures voters

CCM presidential flag bearer John Magufuli has said CCM and Chadema are full of corrupt individuals, some of whom are attempting to escape his wrath.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Have faith in CCM, Magufuli urges voters

CCM Presidential candidate yesterday John Magufuli asked Tanzanians to have confidence in his party, which he said was built on a strong foundation of peace and equality.


9 years ago


Magufuli: I owe nobody cash for bribing voters

The ruling CCM pres­idential candidate, Dr John Magufuli, said he was winding up his election cam­paigns without borrowing money from any person to corrupt voters in order to support him.


9 years ago


Zitto accuses Lowassa, Magufuli of deceiving voters

ACT-Wazalendo party leader Zitto Kabwe has accused presidential hopefuls John Magufuli of CCM and Edward Lowassa of Chadema of deceiving voters in their campaigns.


9 years ago

The Star, Kenya

Magufuli sacks anti-corruption chief for underperformance

The Star, Kenya
Magufuli sacks anti-corruption chief for underperformance
The Star, Kenya
Tanzania's President elect John Pombe Magufuli addresses members of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi Party (CCM) at the party's sub-head office on Lumumba road in Dar es Salaam, October 30, 2015. Photo/REUTERS. Tanzanian President John ...
Hoseah sacked for 'inefficiency'Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Magulification is the name of the gameInstitute for Security Studies (press...


9 years ago


New Tanzania President John Magufuli vows to fight corruption

Times LIVE
New Tanzania President John Magufuli vows to fight corruption
DAR ES SALAAM Tanzania (Xinhua) -- The newly elected Tanzanian President John Magufuli has inaugurated the east African country's 11th Parliament and vowed to clean the mess within the government, including fighting corruption. He said he will ...
Survey: Tanzania is lucky having Majaliwa new PMDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Air Tanzania airline named one of country's big...


9 years ago


The clothes shop that got rid of sizes

Could these labels replace dress sizes?


10 years ago

Daily News

CCM vows to get rid of bad leaders

CCM vows to get rid of bad leaders
Daily News
AS the country gears towards the general elections this year, CCM has vowed to ensure it picks ethical leaders. CCM Secretary General, Mr Abdulrahman Kinana, made the statement on Friday evening when addressing a public rally at Barafu grounds Mto ...


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: We need to rid ourselves of higher education craze

>In pre-market economy Tanzania, education system was guided by Education for Self-Reliance, the policy tailored by Tanu (and CCM after 1977). The guiding principle was that education should be geared at nurturing individuals able to apply what they learn in school or college.


10 years ago


Call: Get rid of barriers to EAC integration

The East African Community (EAC) member states have been called on to enhance the involvement of the private sector and civil society in regional project activities mostly through consultative dialogue frameworks as part of efforts to significantly boost regional trade and investments.



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