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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Image: The foam-coarsening experiment aboard the ISS

Image: The foam-coarsening experiment aboard the ISS

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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

Interesting Engineering

NASA Experiment: Astronauts Growing Organs Aboard the International Space Station

NASA Experiment: Astronauts Growing Organs Aboard the International Space Station  Interesting EngineeringView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

Kyodo News Plus

Japan astronaut Noguchi to return to ISS aboard Space X's ship

Japan astronaut Noguchi to return to ISS aboard Space X's ship  Kyodo News Plus


5 years ago


NASA used modern image-processing to improve iconic “Pale Blue Dot” Image

NASA used modern image-processing to improve iconic “Pale Blue Dot” Image  SlashGearNasa 're-masters' classic Pale Blue Dot image of Earth  BBC NewsNASA's iconic 'Pale Blue Dot' photo of Earth from space just got a 21st-century makeover  Space.comHow the Celebrated "Pale Blue Dot" Image Came to Be  Scientific AmericanNASA Just Updated Earth's Most Iconic Portrait, And We Are as Lonely as Ever  ScienceAlertView Full coverage on Google...


10 years ago

Daily News

New political party comes aboard

New political party comes aboard
Daily News
THE Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-Tanzania) party, was officially launched in Dar es Salaam with its leaders saying that the focus will be to set up policies and strategies targeting to alleviate poverty among Tanzanians. Speaking during the ...


10 years ago


39th Presidential Aspirant Comes Aboard

39th Presidential Aspirant Comes Aboard
Dodoma — A DAR ES SALAAM resident, Ritha Peter Ngowi, became the 39th candidate from Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) to pick a form to seek her party's endorsement as presidential candidate. She picked the form at around 12:30 pm saying that once ...


11 years ago

Daily News

New girls' high school comes aboard

New girls' high school comes aboard
Daily News
CONSTRUCTION of a new special high school for girls at the Northern Tarime District is almost ready, thanks to the Central Government that coughed up over 900m/- to finance the project. The high school is being set up in Borega Village, a few kilometres ...


5 years ago


Otago researchers hold individual atoms in place in a new experiment

Otago researchers hold individual atoms in place in a new experiment  SlashGearQuantum Physicists "Hold" Individual Atoms in Place for First Time  FuturismGroundbreaking Experiment: Physicists Grab Individual Atoms & Observe Complex Atomic Interactions  SciTechDailyIn a Huge First, Physicists Have Captured Individual Atoms And Watched Them Merge  ScienceAlertFNB takes a quantum leap in computing  ITWebView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago


European Gateway experiment will monitor radiation in deep space

European Gateway experiment will monitor radiation in deep space  Phys.orgThese two tiny spacecraft will help pave the way for astronauts to return to the moon  Space.comNASA selects first science payloads for lunar Gateway  SpaceNewsNASA's Own Report Admits Its Non-SpaceX Rocket Is a Disaster  FuturismNASA details its science experiments for the moon  CNETView Full coverage on Google News


9 years ago


VIDEO: All aboard the Addis Ababa tram

What lessons can other African cities learn from Ethiopia's state-of-the-art tram system?



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