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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Immune children aid malaria fight

An antibody produced by children in Tanzania who are naturally resistant to malaria could lead to an effective vaccine for the disease, scientists report.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


VIDEO: Immune children aid malaria fight

An antibody produced by children who are naturally resistant to malaria could lead to an effective vaccine for the disease, scientists report.


11 years ago


GM mosquitoes may aid malaria fight

Scientists create new strains of malaria mosquitoes that produce 95% male offspring, and can drive a rapid population crash in the laboratory.


10 years ago


COVER: The fight against malaria begins with you

>Mr Richard Rwegoshora, a 28 year old barber in Dar es Salaam is so fearful of mosquitoes that whenever he hears a buzzing sound of the bugs, he gets vividly agitated—he can’t settle until he does something to rid them off. For this reason, some of his peers have jokingly labeled him a “coward’’ of insects but he doesn’t mind.


9 years ago


Radical boost for malaria fight

Malaria, a serious health problem in Tanzania, can be eradicated in just three years, according to a leading expert on the prevention and treatment of the disease.


11 years ago


'Keep focus' on Africa malaria fight

Tackling malaria in Africa has had "great successes" but the world must "not take the foot off the gas", Wellcome Trust medical researchers warn.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

IPTL joins fight against Malaria


In commemoration of World Malaria Day 2015, a day that gives people the chance to promote and learn about the efforts made to prevent and reduce Malaria around the world, Independent Power Tanzania Limited (IPTL), a subsidiary of Pan Africa Power Solutions (T) Limited (PAP), will join the rest of the world to support efforts of eradicating malaria cases in Tanzania.

According to a statement released yesterday by the Company Secretary and Chief Counsel, Mr. Joseph Makandege, the Company will...


11 years ago


Tanzanian children in malaria breakthrough

A scientific study that involved over 700 Tanzanian children has taken the world closer to a malaria vaccine that could eradicate the killer disease, The Citizen has learnt.


10 years ago


Ebola crisis 'may harm malaria fight'

A leading figure in malaria control has warned that efforts to contain the disease could be threatened by the Ebola crisis.


10 years ago


Ebola crisis 'harming malaria fight'

The Ebola epidemic in Guinea that began early last year has set back the country's fight against malaria, say experts.



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