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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


In Exactly A Year Our Knowledge Of The Cosmos Will Change Forever. This Is The $10 Billion Reason

In Exactly A Year Our Knowledge Of The Cosmos Will Change Forever. This Is The $10 Billion Reason  Forbes


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


We have every reason to welcome New Year

We have every reason to welcome New Year
We have just entered a new year, 2015, and it is understandable if we should be anxious – or eager – to see what is in store for us in our individual capacities as well as for our families, immediate communities, nation and the larger world. As anyone would ...


10 years ago

East African Business Week

Tanzania Needs Over U.S.$1 Billion for Climate Change

Tanzania Needs Over U.S.$1 Billion for Climate Change
East African Business Week
Dar es Salaam — The government has established that it needs massive financial support to the tune of over $1 billion annually by 2030 coupled with technological support to address climate change adaptation, a feature also approved by the Tanzania ...


10 years ago

NFL News And Rumors

Tanzania needs over $1 billion for climate change

Daily News
Tanzania needs over $1 billion for climate change
NFL News and Rumors
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania - The government has established that it needs massive financial support to the tune of over $1 billion annually by 2030 coupled with technological support to address climate change adaptation, a feature also approved by the ...
Tanzania wants single EAC climate lawEast African Business Week

all 6


11 years ago


DHL invests over Sh4 billion in two-year expansion plan

A global logistics firm, DHL Express, has invested at least 1.8 million Euros (about Sh3.9 billion) in Tanzania during the past two years as the firm expands its business in the country.


5 years ago


3.8 Billion-Year-Old Rocks Show That Water and Other Elements Necessary for Life Were Delivered to Earth Very Late in Its History

3.8 Billion-Year-Old Rocks Show That Water and Other Elements Necessary for Life Were Delivered to Earth Very Late in Its History  SciTechDaily


5 years ago


A 46,000-year-old bird carcass provides clues to evolution and climate change

A 46,000-year-old bird carcass provides clues to evolution and climate change  CNET46,000 Year-Old Bird Discovered in Siberia Holds Secret to Ice Age Evolution  Sputnik InternationalFrozen bird turns out to be 46000-year-old horned lark  HeritageDailyBird That Looks Like It Died Yesterday Turns Out to Be 46,000 Years Old  GizmodoFrozen bird found in Siberia is 46,000 years old  CNNView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

BBC Focus Magazine

Billion-year-old seaweed fossil suggests algae is 200 million years older than we previously thought

Billion-year-old seaweed fossil suggests algae is 200 million years older than we previously thought  BBC Focus Magazine


5 years ago


SpaceX news: Satellites WILL obscure view of the cosmos - study

SpaceX news: Satellites WILL obscure view of the cosmos - study's Starship will soon be made of different stuff  Space.comIs SpaceX Starlink low latency? The answer could unlock billions in funding  InverseElon Musk on humans in Mars before he dies, urges faster pace of progress  TeslaratiSpaceX asks for meeting with ESO over Starlink satellites - Business Insider  Business InsiderView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


Pele made Cosmos debut 40 years ago, molded U.S. soccer as we know it

Pele made his debut for the New York Cosmos 40 years ago this week.Forty years ago this week, Pele made his official debut for the New York Cosmos. They lined up against the Dallas Tornado and the best-known American player at the time, Kyle Rote Jr., at Downing Stadium on Randall's Island.The game was nationally televised on CBS, and the decrepit stadium had been spruced up for the occasion. In fact, it's become part of the folklore of Pele's time in the U.S. that the dirt patches on the...



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