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Increasing Climate Change Refugees Will Only Diminish Action Against Global Warming

Increasing Climate Change Refugees Will Only Diminish Action Against Global Warming  The Organization for World Peace6 Ways Trump’s Denial of Science Has Delayed the Response to COVID-19 (and Climate Change)  InsideClimate NewsView Full coverage on Google News

The Organization for World Peace

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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago


Climate change: Why are tomato prices in Africa increasing?

The price of tomatoes have skyrocketed in East Africa in recent weeks after floods ruined crops.


10 years ago


Refugees and Climate Change Within a Free Country

 SOMETIMES it is very difficult to believe that in a free country like Tanzania, can have Refugees. May be it is sound very difficult. But let’s define Refugee according to the Oxford dictionary, “A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster”. 
Here we can find those factors lead to Refugees, then you will agree with me sometimes people can leave their homes even due to particular factors to find another home or remain homeless....


10 years ago


Tanzania launches policy action to contain climate change adversities on the ...

Tanzania launches policy action to contain climate change adversities on the ...
Climate change stakeholders met in Dar es Salaam last week to form a learning alliance for sharing information, knowledge and experiences as well as carrying out joint policy engagement action on climate change and its adversity to the economy.
Will 2015 Be The Tipping Point For Climate Change Action, Or Was It 2014?PoliticusUSA

all 2


10 years ago


Tone set for global climate change dialogue in Paris

Berlin. The 6th Petersberg Dialogue, an informal meeting of ministers and representatives from 35 countries in preparation for the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris in December, opened here yesterday.


9 years ago


A CHAT FROM LONDON: Climate change ‘threshold’ and Paris global meeting

Threshold. A word I did not quite know, until very recently.I kept hearing politicians saying threshold, threshold, threshold. Threshold this, threshold that.


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Democratizing global climate change governance and building an African consensus toward COP21 and beyond


Dar es Salaam, 3 September 2015: Africa Climate Talks (ACT!) begins here today, (Thursday) to discuss the impacts and implications of climate change in Africa, and effective solutions.  The three-day discussions are part of Africa’s planning for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties (COP21) where a new global climate agreement is the expected outcome at COP21 in Paris in December.

Under the theme, ‘Democratizing Global Climate Change...


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

ACTs-Democratizing global climate change governance and building an African consensus toward COP21 and beyondis held in Dar es Salaam

DSC_0775Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) Secretary-General, Mr Mithika Mwenda (Left), moderate the discusion about the Civil Society and Climate governance (NDCs, Mitigation, Adaptation, Land use and forestry and more  in the conference in the African Climate Talk (ACT) meeting in the Bank of Tanzania Conference Hall discus policy make and more. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Yesterday, September 5.2015. ( All Photos by Andrew Chale, modewjiblog)


DSC_0751Eric Onduru from UMANDE Trust present the...


9 years ago


‘Smart villages’ versus global warming

The plight of the small island developing states was centre stage throughout the Paris climate talks. Thanks to them, the Paris agreement now mentions an aspirational goal of keeping global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, an unexpected and welcome result for communities that would face inundation in a world warmed by an extra 2 degrees Celsius.


5 years ago

Deccan Herald

Global warming to cause 'catastrophic' species loss: study

Global warming to cause 'catastrophic' species loss: study  Deccan HeraldView Full coverage on Google News



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