
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Industries, commercial workers union accuses leaders of violating constitution

Industries, commercial workers union accuses leaders of violating constitution
Tanzania Union of Industries and Commercial Workers (TUICO) is calling on the Registrar of Trade Unions in the country to intervene in Trade Union Congress of Tanzania (TUCTA) leadership matters to enforce compliance to the Union's constitution.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

Reuters Africa

Tanzanian presidential hopeful accuses state power firm workers of sabotage

Tanzanian presidential hopeful accuses state power firm workers of sabotage
Reuters Africa
DAR ES SALAAM Oct 22 (Reuters) - Tanzania's ruling party presidential candidate, running on an anti-corruption ticket, said state power company employees were draining dams at night to cut electricity supply so they could benefit from fuel import deals ...


11 years ago

Daily News

UKAWA accuses religious leaders over biasness

Daily News
UKAWA accuses religious leaders over biasness
Daily News
MEMBERS of the Coalition of People's Constitution (UKAWA) have accused religious leaders of biasness, while keeping silent over issues which took place in the Constituency Assembly (CA) early this year. Addressing journalists in Dar es Salaam on ...


5 years ago

The Canton Independent Sentinel

(2020-2026) Plastic Decorative Laminates Market Analysts Expect Robust Growth in 2026| Fletcher Building, OMNOVA Solutions, Greenlam Industries, Merino Group, Wilsonart International, Abet Laminati, Archidply Industries, Fundermax GmbH, Panolam Industries

(2020-2026) Plastic Decorative Laminates Market Analysts Expect Robust Growth in 2026| Fletcher Building, OMNOVA Solutions, Greenlam Industries, Merino Group, Wilsonart International, Abet Laminati, Archidply Industries, Fundermax GmbH, Panolam Industries International, Stylam Industries, Century Plyboards etc.  The Canton Independent Sentinel


9 years ago


Rwanda’s Kagame accuses Burundi leaders of ‘massacres’ against citizens

Rwandan President Paul Kagame has accused Burundi’s leaders of carrying out “massacres” on their people in his most critical speech yet of the crisis in the troubled neighbouring state.


11 years ago

Daily News

Shein: New constitution is for stronger union

Shein: New constitution is for stronger union
Daily News
THE new constitution which is in the process of its formation does not aim at breaking the historic union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar, but focuses on improving its structure with a view to cementing it. The president of Zanzibar, Dr Ali Mohamed Shein, ...


10 years ago


Govt owes Sh17bn to workers union

Govt owes Sh17bn to workers union
The government is said to owe Sh17billion to Tanzania Local Government Workers Union (TALGWU) after paying Sh7billion from the total debt of Sh24billion. TALGWU Deputy Secretary General Njaa Kibwana threatened the government that if the said ...


11 years ago


Workers rights aren’t protected: Union

Trade union leaders have conceded that they are not doing enough to protect workers’ rights. They told The Citizen that they are putting their act together, starting with dealing with their shortcomings in addressing the situation.


11 years ago

Daily News

CA members form union to defend draft constitution

CA members form union to defend draft constitution
Daily News
SOME members of the Constituent Assembly have formed a 'Union of Public Constitution' (UKAWA) with a focus to protect the draft constitution as prepared by the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC). The UKAWA which comprises members from all ...


11 years ago


Islanders Blamed for Delaying Process of Creating New Union Constitution

Islanders Blamed for Delaying Process of Creating New Union Constitution
Zanzibar — AS the Constitution Assembly (CA) resumes its session, members of the assembly from Zanzibar are to blame for the delays and disputes over the constitution, a report says. The Zanzibar Institute for Research and Public Policy (ZIRPP) says in its ...



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