INSIGHT : Effective policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
A new report packed with best practice climate policies from across the world was released on Wednesday by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), revealing a wealth of existing opportunities to immediately scale up reductions in greenhouse gas emissions while powering up ambition to keep the global average temperature rise below 2°C.
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
TheCitizen04 Dec
Tobacco firm keen to reduce gas emissions
11 years ago
TheCitizen07 Jun
INSIGHT: Africa needs effective leaders to realise its anticipated goals
10 years ago
TheCitizen02 Nov
INSIGHT: WWF sees effective use of renewable energy by 2050
11 years ago
TheCitizen21 Jul
How myopic oil and gas policies will doom Tanzania
11 years ago
IPPmedia11 Jul
CSOs want stable gas, oil extraction policies
Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have suggested that there is a need to have a system of ensuring that policies on oil and gas are carried on even after the current government's tenure lapses. According to the CSOs, President Jakaya Kikwete's government ...
10 years ago
TheCitizen08 Nov
Lab buildings key for effective gas industry
10 years ago
Vijimambo29 Apr
To reap benefits from gas, Tanzania needs favourable policies, laws and legal experts.
Former Deputy Minister of Energy and Minerals and Director of Tanzania Oxygen, Lawrence Masha.With abundant gas reserves Tanzania requires suitable policies, laws, right skills and legal expertise to manage contracts for successful participation in the gas economy and the common man to benefit.
This is the view of stakeholders who also felt that without right skills and legal expertise the country is likely to be unsuccessful in exploiting the sector’s potentials. They said it will thus fail...
11 years ago
TheCitizen17 Jan
EAC partner states advised to design fiscal policies for oil, gas management
10 years ago
Dewji Blog12 Nov
Africa’s Regional Network for Youth Policies Experts launched at the First Global Forum on Youth Policies on Baku, Azerbaijan
Africa made history during the closing session of the just concluded First Global Forum on Youth Policies, held in Baku, Azerbaijan by announcing the birth of African Network of Youth Policy Experts (AfriNYPE) to advance the cause of youth policies in the region.
The network was announced at the closing plenary session attended by over 700 invited delegates constituting of experts, researchers, professors, government representatives across the world, and the United Nations...