INSIGHT: Viral diseases from animals to humans life threatening
>Outbreaks of viral diseases known to spread from animals to humans (Zoonotic diseases) can be so economically devastating and life threatening—the reason why future health research priorities should be reviewed to contain these infections in Tanzania and Africa in general.
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
VICE12 May
The Ecotourism Industry Is Saving Tanzania's Animals and Threatening Its ...
Before he was shot, on July 9, 2014, Olunjai Timan slaughtered a cow and his wife made stew. Not wanting to miss the fresh meal, the wiry Maasai herder sent two of his sons to graze the family's cattle on their own. But before Timan could finish eating, the ...
10 years ago
TheCitizen09 Jan
SPECIAL REPORT: Why research on viral diseases
10 years ago
TheCitizen14 Mar
INSIGHT: Why air pollution more costly, threatening today
9 years ago
Dewji Blog26 Sep
Thalassaemia — Life Threatening Condition That Can Be Genetically Inherited
Ibrahim (name changed) was born in Tanzania and when he was just 9 months he looked pale and was not able to feed and grow well like other babies of his age. He had frequent infections and blood tests showed severe anaemia with a hemoglobin level of 3.5 gm! Ibrahim had been surviving on less than a quarter of the required level of oxygen and required an urgent blood transfusion to save his life. Blood tests of him and his parents confirmed that he had thalassaemia major.
Thalassaemia major...
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Medical.Net19 Feb
Study reveals underlying mechanism for life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias - News
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FIFA 20 pro gamer banned for life by EA in row over 'abusive and threatening messages'
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Land Animals Began Dying in Earth's Greatest Extinction Long Before Marine Life
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A rare insight into Mwalimu Nyerere’s life
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IPPmedia10 Aug
Tanzania unemployment threatening development
Unemployment has been re-affirmed as one of the recently threatening social and economic despair facing youths in the country. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) statistics recently availed to The Guardian on Sunday around 66 per ...