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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Is Nigeria ready to lead Africa?

Is Nigeria ready to become the continent's leader?


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Savoy ready to lead Gambian revival

The Gambia's newly-appointed Swiss coach Raoul Savoy is confident he can revive the team after a ban from African football.


9 years ago


We’re ready to lead unity govt: CUF

Opposition Civic United Front (CUF) said yesterday it was ready to work with the ruling CCM under a government of national unity.


5 years ago


Intel Core i9-10900K leak hints that the CPU is ready to lead the charge against Ryzen 3000

Intel Core i9-10900K leak hints that the CPU is ready to lead the charge against Ryzen 3000  TechRadarView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


Airsys Expands into Africa, Sanctus Mtsimbe appointed General Manager to lead Airsys into the Eastern Africa market.

After more than 20 years of successful operations in Europe and Africa distributing Two-Way Radio Communications, Airsys is expanding its operations to Africa to work with dealers serving private and public sector customers as well as UN and Humanitarian organisations. Airsys therefore is setting up office in East Africa to serve as a distribution point of its Two-Way Radio Communication Equipment and Solutions in East Africa Region and will serve dealers on the Eastern African market.Airsys...


9 years ago


Will Nigeria follow China's lead?

Will Nigeria follow China's economic transformation?


10 years ago


Can Africa lead the way on renewable energy?

Can Africa use green energy to ease power shortages?


11 years ago


All roads lead to the EU-Africa Summit

>The two-day European Union-Africa summit that opens in the Belgian capital today is expected to spark a new phase in the scramble to curry African favour in the face of brightened prospects signalled by the long-heralded continental renaissance.


10 years ago

BBC News

Letter from Africa: The farmer who wants to lead Tanzania

BBC News
Letter from Africa: The farmer who wants to lead Tanzania
BBC News
In our series of letters from African journalists, broadcaster and media trainer Joseph Warungu spotted an ordinary farmer hoping to become Tanzania's next president. Tanzania has been invaded by "presidents". They are everywhere and they are all ...


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Tanzania and Kenya lead on animal welfare ranking in Africa

Tanzania and Kenya lead on animal welfare ranking in Africa  The Citizen DailyUnited States Trails Behind Mexico and India When It Comes to Animal Protection Laws, Report Finds  NewsweekView Full coverage on Google News



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