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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


ITA reintroduces course for tax collectors

ITA reintroduces course for tax collectors
Daily News
THE Institute of Tax Administration (ITA) has re-introduced Pre-Service Programme which is geared towards preparing tax collectors who are competent in their work in order to strengthen revenue collection. ITA Rector, Prof Isaya Jairo, said in Dar es Salaam ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


WINNING LEADERSHIP : No, it’s not your title at all; It’s all about you

“I want be my own person” is a very common desire. I truly believe that sometimes people just say they want that which they don’t have but on the slightest possibility that it could come to be, they shy away. I am not going to give you that tired “you are your own enemy” line. Well, not today.


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Tanzania in international tax law : Tax incentives for foreign investment—1

Tanzania in international tax law : Tax incentives for foreign investment—1  The Citizen Daily


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

MANAGING TAX RISKS: Impact of virus crisis on tax collections

MANAGING TAX RISKS: Impact of virus crisis on tax collections  The Citizen Daily


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Tanzania in international tax law : Tax incentives for foreign investment—2

Tanzania in international tax law : Tax incentives for foreign investment—2  The Citizen Daily


9 years ago


MANAGING TAX RISKS : Throwing light on tax planning opportunities for Tanzania firms

In our last article we noted that tax planning is an arrangement of one’s financial affairs in such a way that, without violating in any way the legal provisions, full advantage is taken of all tax exemptions, deductions, concessions, rebates, allowances and other reliefs or benefits permitted under the tax laws so that the burden of taxation on the taxpayer is reduced or minimised.


10 years ago


Tax relief enables beer producers to sell more Sparing drinks of tax rises positive

“You can see how this number is big and bad enough is that these producers are not entitled to pay any tax” Robert Jarrin, Senior Executive, Sabmiller East Africa


11 years ago

Zitto Kabwe, MB

Parliamentary Inquiry on the extent of tax evasion/avoidance, use of tax havens and illicit financial transfer

Parliamentary Inquiry on the extent of tax evasion/avoidance, use of tax havens and illicit financial transfer has started

During its 10th annual conference, Southern Africa Development Community organization of Public Accounts Committees a resolution was passed that ” PACs or similar committees should encourage their member states to pass legislation to control the use of tax havens by companies and individuals in order to curb illicit money transfer and tax avoidance/evasion“.



9 years ago


MANAGING TAX RISKS : Shedding light on tax planning

In our last article on tax planning we looked at ways of reducing the taxable income when exposed to withholding taxes. In this article we focus on payroll taxes and custom duties.


9 years ago


MANAGING TAX RISKS :Tax incentives offered in Tanzania

As discussed in the previous article investment tax incentives in Tanzania are offered to lead and priority sectors including agriculture, Air Aviation, Commercial buildings, Banks, Export oriented projects, Manufacturing, Natural Resources e.g. Timber, Beekeeping, Fisheries, Tourism and Tour Operations, Radio and Television Broadcasting, Transportation etc. In this article we look at tax incentives offered in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors.



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