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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


It’s a pity some parents do not value education

There is a daunting task ahead for educators and policymakers as the country switches from the current education system to a new one that pushes elementary education from seven years to nine.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

Daily News

Prioritise education, Coast RC urges parents

Prioritise education, Coast RC urges parents
Daily News
COAST Regional Commissioner, Eng Evarist Ndikilo has urged parents in the region to change their mindsets and start prioritising education for their children. He made the remarks during a graduation ceremony for Standard Seven pupils and Pre-Unit at St ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Parents asked to share costs in education

Daily News
Parents asked to share costs in education
Daily News
FORMER Prime Minister, Mr Cleopa Msuya warned parents and guardians to be active in cost sharing towards education. Mr Msuya was touring Asha- Rose Migiro Secondary School here recently, said without contributions their children's dreams to acquire ...


10 years ago


Official urges parents to invest in education

Parents and guardians have been advised to invest in their children’s education for the betterment of their future lives.


9 years ago


Tanzania: New Education Modality to Incorporate Parents

Tanzania: New Education Modality to Incorporate Parents
Dodoma — The government will provide modalities on the way education should be offered in public boarding schools, which includes food contribution by parents. Teachers and school headmasters, who will claim fees or donations of any kind, will face ...


9 years ago


In education push, Tanzania to punish parents of children out of school

In education push, Tanzania to punish parents of children out of school
DAR ES SALAAM (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - As Tanzania prepares to introduce free basic education for all, the government has warned that it will punish parents who fail to ensure their children go to school. In a major policy shift, primary and ...


9 years ago


Tanzania: In Education Push, Tanzania to Punish Parents of Children Out of School
Tanzania: In Education Push, Tanzania to Punish Parents of Children Out of School
Dar es Salaam — As Tanzania prepares to introduce free basic education for all, the government has warned that it will punish parents who fail to ensure their children go to school. In a major policy shift, primary and secondary schooling will be free ...
Dar hosts regional workshop on hotel courseDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Hockey development needs serious...


11 years ago


SINGLE IN THE CITY: Never love out of pity

>I used to wonder why anyone would want to stay in a relationship with someone they don’t really love, but rather, commiserate with.  This was long before I embarked on my own little journey on the same lane, a lane I would like to term  ‘doleful’.


9 years ago


Pity on 'Forgotten' Children of Pemba

Pity on 'Forgotten' Children of Pemba
Zanzibar — A toddler strapped to her back, Saada Omar Rajab, (9) tired and thirsty, braved the scorching heat and dust, to be among hundreds of residents who gathered at Kiuyu- Mbuyuni village, North Pemba to listen to a presidential candidate on the ...


11 years ago


Big pity that my chalk dust-eating friend is gone!

Folks, I am mourning the untimely death of one teacher at the Uswaz International Primary School where my one-and-only eats chalk dust teaching Uswaz kids.



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