
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


It’s all about transparency

It all started with reports of a leaked Production Sharing Agreements (PSA) contract between Norway’s Statoil and the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) in May but the ripples are still being felt--and especially so in the government and among politicians and investors.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Call for transparency in contracts

The proposed natural gas Act should include an element of transparency in government contracts with investors, a former permanent secretary has advised.


11 years ago

Daily News

RC cautions teachers' union over transparency

Daily News
RC cautions teachers' union over transparency
Daily News
THE Teachers' Union of Tanzania (TUT) leadership has been urged to be transparent on members' contributions to avoid allegations of misuse of funds. This was said by the Dodoma Regional Commissioner, Dr Rehema Nchimbi, while officiating at the TUT's ...


10 years ago


Transparency, fairness key in telecoms sectort

The recent confusion arising from slightly higher mobile phone tariffs for accessing voice and data bundles point to a need for transparency and fairness in handling the telecommunication business.


10 years ago


CEO roundtable transparency, accountability only way forward

CEO roundtable transparency, accountability only way forward
Lack of transparency and accountability coupled by poor strategies among executives has been cited as the major source of corruption which continues to undermine integrity of leadership in both public and private sectors in the country. The remark was ...


9 years ago


Observers query NEC, ZEC transparency

Three key election observer groups released preliminary reports on the Sunday polls, with the European Union (EU) expressing concern about lack of transparency in electoral bodies in the Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar.


11 years ago


Government declares its new commitment on transparency, openness ...

Government declares its new commitment on transparency, openness ...
Tanzania joined the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in September 2011. The country's first OGP Action Plan was submitted in April 2012, focusing on enhancing transparency, citizen participation, accountability and integrity and the use of technology ...


9 years ago


NEC results lack transparency:TACCEO

According to Tanzanian Civil Society Consortium on Election Observation (TACCEO), there is lack of transparency in the ongoing tallying of votes, casting doubt on the accuracy of figures released by the National Electoral Commission (NEC).


11 years ago


Parliament told about transparency of wealth fund

>Plans are afoot to establish the Sovereign Wealth Fund in keeping with the law, Parliament was told yesterday. Responding to a question from Igalula MP Athuman Mfutakamba, deputy minister for Energy and Minerals Stephen Masele, said the fund would come up with regulations taking into account the country’s needs.


9 years ago


LHRC applauds calm in elections, calls for transparency

The Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) has commended voters for their enthusiasm and peaceful conduct during Sunday’s elections despite some logistical problems.



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