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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


IU education students can travel to Tanzania

IU education students can travel to Tanzania
Indiana Daily Student
Tanzania recently joined the list of 18 nations to which School of Education students can travel to complete their student teaching under the Global Gateway for Teachers program, according to an IU press release. The Global Gateway for Teachers program ...

Indiana Daily Student

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Med students to travel to Tanzania

Med students to travel to Tanzania
The students from University of Louisville medical school volunteered to travel to Tanzania to provide free medical care. (Source: WAVE 3 News). The students will take 15 bags, each packed with 50 pounds of supplies. (Source: WAVE 3 News). LOUISVILLE ...


10 years ago

Huffington Post UK

Students Heading Off On Charity Trek Left At Airport As Travel Firm Goes Bust

Daily Mail
Students Heading Off On Charity Trek Left At Airport As Travel Firm Goes Bust
Huffington Post UK
A group of students participating in a charity trek were about to check in for their flight to Tanzania when they received an email from their travel firm saying the company had gone bust. Around 40 Nottingham University students were left stranded at Gatwick ...
UoN Students Heading for Mount Kilimanjaro Left Stranded at Gatwick after ...Impact Magazine
Thousands of pounds in donations in...


11 years ago


Help these students to pursue higher education

Help these students to pursue higher education
The news carried in local media organs yesterday that over 17,000 students have missed Form Five placements is both disheartening and heartening. It is disheartening because it may be a heart dampener for some of the students who had set themselves ...


10 years ago

Gulf Times

Education City students conquer Kilimanjaro

Gulf Times
Education City students conquer Kilimanjaro
Gulf Times
A group of Education City students have scaled the summit of one of the world's highest mountain peaks, Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The seven day climb – known as WALK (We Are Leaders @ Kilimanjaro) – was part of the Ebda leadership development ...
Education City students conquer Mount Kilimanjaro as part of leadership trainingJustHere Qatar

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11 years ago


St Jude's Gives Gift of Education to 150 New Students

St Jude's Gives Gift of Education to 150 New Students
The School of St Jude in Arusha has given the gift of education to 150 of the poorest children from Tanzania who will receive a completely free, high-quality education in January. It was an emotional and happy day for the parents and students this week, ...


11 years ago


Education officers to review students' monthly attendance reports

Education officers to review students' monthly attendance reports
To address truancy and drop outs in schools, President Jakaya Kikwete has directed heads of schools across the country to submit students' attendance reports on a monthly basis to their regional education officers. President Kikwete issued the directive on ...
Schoolgirl pregnancies culprits incur Kikwete wrathDaily News

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9 years ago

Kansas City InfoZine

Tanzania Travel Alert

Tanzania Travel Alert
Kansas City infoZine
The State Department alerts U.S. citizens residing in or traveling to Tanzania to the upcoming general elections scheduled for October 25, 2015. Washington DC - infoZine - U.S. citizens are urged to exercise caution and remain abreast of the security ...


5 years ago


10 years ago

East African Business Week

Tanzania to Meet Kenya Over Travel Row

Tanzania to Meet Kenya Over Travel Row
East African Business Week
Arusha — Government officials from Kenya and Tanzania are meeting in Arusha this week to find ways in sorting out the row over the ban of Tanzanian tourist vehicles from accessing the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi. Kenya imposed a ban ...
Tanzania to host wildlife photographic exhibition to raise awareness of
Tourists saved from rising Tanzania park fees?eTurboNews

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