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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Jams as S Africa launches toll roads

South Africa's contentious toll roads open around Johannesburg, with huge traffic jams after motorists flocking to use alternative routes


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


VIDEO: High death toll of Egypt's roads

Why so many people are killed on Egyptian roads


11 years ago


All roads lead to the EU-Africa Summit

>The two-day European Union-Africa summit that opens in the Belgian capital today is expected to spark a new phase in the scramble to curry African favour in the face of brightened prospects signalled by the long-heralded continental renaissance.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Orange launches the 4th edition of the music contest in Africa, on, in partnership with Deezer, Believe Digital, Zimbalam, Africa n°1 and Soonvibes


StarAfrica Sounds 2015: what if you were the new Star?

StarAfrica supports young talents: In order to promote new African music talents, – Orange’s entertainment portal in Africa ( – is launching the fourth edition of the StarAfrica Sounds music contest. The 2014 edition was a great success with 88 candidates and more than 50,000 votes.

For this 4th edition, Marema, winner of the 2014 StarAfrica jury’s prize and of the 2014 “Prix Découvertes RFI”,...


10 years ago


West Africa Ebola toll nears 7,000

The number of people killed by the worst outbreak of Ebola in West Africa has risen to 6,928, the World Health Organization says.


11 years ago


West Africa Ebola toll rises to 467

The number of people killed by the deadly Ebola virus in West Africa has risen to 467, the World Health Organization (WHO) says.


11 years ago


USAID Roads Project addresses HIV along transport corridors in Africa

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is currently wrapping up its multi-country ROADS II Project that invested USD $200 million over five years, and reached more than five million people with integrated services related to HIV, Family Planning, Maternal and Child Health, and Nutrition. 
 The ROADS II Project focused on vulnerable populations moving along transport corridors, such as truckers and other migrants, as well as the local communities living along the...


10 years ago


Mustafa Hassanali Launches Men’s Resort Wear in South Africa as Africa’s First Menswear week starts in Cape Town, supported by 361 Degrees & McDaan Ltd

Pan African Designer Mustafa Hassanali On Friday 6Th February will launch his First Menswear Resort collection at the First South Africa Menswear week in Cape Town.  “As the vacation season just got over, most vacationer’s swamped holiday destinations from Zanzibar to Marrakech, where the need of casual garment is a priority, thus the inspiration behind this collection which would best fit the discerning gentleman to strip of his formal for some fun casuals. This Resort collection truly...


9 years ago


Maalim launches ``Africa`s Singapore`` plan

Maalim launches ``Africa`s Singapore`` plan
Zanzibar Presidential candidate on Civil United Front (CUF) ticket, Maalim Seif Sharif Hamad has dismissed prevalence of a leader with strong guts enough to defend the interests of Zanzibar in the current system of the union. He said the present ...
Hamad urges electoral body to hasten release of poll resultDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 2


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Afriwise launches first-of-its-kind consulting firm in Africa

Be Afriwise from Citizen Kaizen on Vimeo.


Two well-known lawyers on the African scene, Steven De Backer and Olivier Binyingo, recently launched Afriwise consult ( to offer clients a more holistic consulting approach and access to genuine on-the-ground expertise in Sub Saharan Africa, with procedures for quality assurance and a strong underlying ethical culture. Having worked together for a number of years, both as local and regional counsel on the African continent,...



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