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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Jihadi John, slashing terrorist, is unmasked as Briton

The Guardian
Jihadi John, slashing terrorist, is unmasked as Briton
Aug. 2009: Travels to Tanzania with two friends for “safari” but refused entry. Put on flight to Amsterdam, where he is questioned. Returns to England. Sept. 2009: Travels to Kuwait to visit father's family. July 2010: Returns to England; refused visa to Kuwait.
From Tanzanian safari to Kuwaiti brides: a terrorist's long road to jihadThe Times (subscription)
How Mohammed Emwazi went from fresh graduate to...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Mchinjaji wa IS 'Jihadi John' atambuliwa

Mwanaume ambaye amekuwa akitekeleza mauaji ya mateka wa kundi la wapiganaji wa Islamic State ajulikanaye kwa jina la utani "Jihadi John",ametambuliwa.


10 years ago

The Sunday Times

Jihadi John: I'm sorry for family shame

The Sunday Times
Jihadi John: I'm sorry for family shame
The Sunday Times
MOHAMMED EMWAZI has apologised to his family for the shame he has heaped on them after being unmasked as the Isis butcher from Britain known as Jihadi John. The Sunday Times has discovered that Emwazi, 26, a computer science graduate from ...
Kuwait might send Emwazi father back to UK 'if asked'Arab Times Kuwait English Daily
Video shows the boy who'd become Jihadi John in London schoolyardKETK
'Jihadi John' deported from...


10 years ago


Jihadi John bado kitendawili

Baba wa Jasem Emwazi maarufu Jihadi John amekutana na BBC


9 years ago


Marekani yamsaka Jihadi John

Jeshi la Marekani limefanya uvamizi wa anga, kumkamata mpiganaji wa kundi la kigaidi la Islamic state ajulikanaye kama Jihadi John


10 years ago

The Commentator

Jihadi John should also be known as Moocher Mohammed

The Commentator
Jihadi John should also be known as Moocher Mohammed
The Commentator
Bad ideas definitely have the ability to cross borders.The income tax first appeared in England, on a temporary basis during the Napoleanic wars and then permanently in 1842. It then spread like a cancer to other parts of the world, eventually reaching – and ...
Jihadi John - who's to blame?The Northern Echo
Lawyer for father of 'Jihadi John' withdraws from caseMiddle East Online
Jihadi John's father lawyer quits...


9 years ago


Marekani yamshambulia Jihadi John

Wanajeshi wa Marekani wametekeleza shambulio la kutoka angani lililomlenga mwanamgambo wa Islamic State ajulikanaye kama "Jihadi John".


10 years ago

New York Post

'Jihadi John' apologizes to his family

New York Post
'Jihadi John' apologizes to his family
New York Post
'Jihadi John' is the knife-wielding militant who appears in Islamic State videos claiming responsibility for the beheadings of several hostages. Photo: MORE ON: jihadi john · Video appears to show teenage 'Jihadi John' unmasked ...
Mohammed Emwazi: Tanzanian officer recalls airport arrestBBC News
&# 039;Jihadi John' apologizes to his familyPicayune Leader
'Jihadi John' sends message to say sorry for family shameThe...


10 years ago

India Today

Jihadi John's father to be questioned by UK police

India Today
Jihadi John's father to be questioned by UK police
India Today
Dreaded IS executioner Mohammed Emwazi, alias Jihadi John.Kuwait is likely to hand over dreaded IS executioner Jihadi John's father to Britain for questioning by police, a report said. Jasem Emwazi, 51, lives in Kuwait and runs a farm supplies depot.
Jihad John Was Refused Entry To Tanzania Because He Was DrunkBreitbart News
The Londoner who went on Tanzanian 'safari' with Jihadi John and is currently in ...Daily...


10 years ago

Daily Mail

The Londoner who went on Tanzanian 'safari' with Jihadi John and is currently in ...

Daily Mail
The Londoner who went on Tanzanian 'safari' with Jihadi John and is currently in ...
Daily Mail
This is the Londoner who travelled on 'safari' with evil Islamic State killer Jihadi John. Ali Adorus, 33, travelled to Tanzania in 2009 with Mohammed Emwazi when the pair were held and questioned by security services before being deported. Adorus, who was ...
Mohammed Emwazi: Tanzania claims 'Jiahdi John' suspect was refused entry ...The Independent
'Jihadi John' reportedly kicked out of...



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