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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


JK: I did a lot to empower women

>President Jakaya Kikwete says he will retire a most happy man, having enabled many women to ascend to leadership and key decision-making positions in various public establishments.


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago


How to Empower Women Who Are Losing the Most From the Climate Crisis

How to Empower Women Who Are Losing the Most From the Climate Crisis  EcoWatch


11 years ago


Don’t give women favour, do simply empower them

From time immemorial, most communities have treated women as second class citizens for no other reason other than the fact they were born female. It is a shame we still have such hang-ups in today’s world.


9 years ago


TAMWA Urges Incoming Govt to Empower Women

TAMWA Urges Incoming Govt to Empower Women
Tanzania Media Women's Association (TAMWA) has urged the incoming Fifth Phase Government to reduce the existing gap between men and women and to empower the disabled as a way of promoting gender equality. TAMWA executive director Ms Edda ...


11 years ago


How women in traditional set ups are improving their lot and changing their comunninties prosperity

Evaline Mosson Laizer, a 42-year-old woman resident in Losimingori village in Lepurko ward of Monduli district, Arusha region, had inspiring words on the eve of the International Women’s Day on March 7.


5 years ago

The Guardian

'Vagina is not a rude word': the scientist fighting to empower women, one word at a time

'Vagina is not a rude word': the scientist fighting to empower women, one word at a time  The Guardian


11 years ago


Empower vulnerable girls

Prevention, we are all aware, is better that cure. Now when it comes to HIV, knowledge on preventive methods is the best arsenal that human beings need to fight the deadly virus.


9 years ago


Sex education can empower teens

 Even though it is a dreaded topic for teenagers, different studies have shown that many secondary school students are having sex. This has led to teenage pregnancies causing students to drop out.


10 years ago

Businesses Told

Use part of profit to empower citizenry

Use part of profit to empower citizenry - businesses told
The Minister in the Prime Minister's Office (Investment and Empowerment), Dr Mary Nagu has said the responsibility of empowering Tanzanians to start business should not be left to the government alone. Instead, she said, everybody is responsible for this ...


11 years ago


Empower disabled in new Katiba, CA urged

A Member of the Constituent Assembly (MCA) has called for incorporation of economic empowerment issues for people with disabilities in the new constitution.



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