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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Job providers wrong to confiscate passports

Job providers wrong to confiscate passports
Daily News
THE Immigration Department has denounced the tendency of confiscating travel documents from Tanzanians sent to work abroad by recruitment agencies. The department's Spokesperson, Ms Tatu Burhan, noted that some agents and employers were taking ...
Govt to issue new passports - officialIPPmedia

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Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Global Times

Police confiscate over 10 tons of marijuana in northern Tanzania
Police confiscate over 10 tons of marijuana in northern Tanzania
Global Times
Police in northern Tanzania on Saturday announced to have confiscated 12.4 tons of marijuana, the biggest seizure of the illicit drug of the year in the East African nation. Arusha Regional Police Chief Liberatus Sabas told reporters here that the seizure is part ...
June 7 world news summary at 0030

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11 years ago


OPANGA: There’s right and wrong. Israel is wrong

>You are either with the Palestinians or with Israel. I am with the Palestinians. Look, Israel has elastic borders, which it extends outwards at the slightest pretext and totally and utterly in disregard of international opinion or law. It occupies the land of the Palestinians, builds settlements on it and imposes a land, air and sea blockade against Gaza.


10 years ago


Higher learning institutions challenged to produce job creators not job seekers

Higher learning institutions challenged to produce job creators not job seekers
Vice President, Dr Mohammed Gharib Bilal yesterday challenged local universities to transform their graduates from Job seekers to job creators. Dr. Bilal made the challenge when addressing the ongoing 6th Higher Education Forum and Exhibition 2014 in ...


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

TCRA to recognise ICT providers through awards

TCRA to recognise ICT providers through awards  The Citizen Daily


11 years ago


Is our education system quality enough to produce job creators and not job ...

Is our education system quality enough to produce job creators and not job ...
The Director, knowledge management at the COSTECH, Faith Shimba speaking to participants and media shortly before officially launched the Consortium. On Monday this week, a consortium of academic publishers was launched at the Commission for ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Judge wants more legal aid providers to go to rural areas

Judge wants more legal aid providers to go to rural areas
Daily News
LEGAL Aid providers have been urged to extend their services to rural areas where many people suffer from lack of the service to ensure all people enjoy justice at the court of law. Principal Judge, Justice Shaaban Ally Lila, told a Legal Aid Provision ...


5 years ago

The Guardian

Broadband providers to lift data caps during Covid-19 lockdown

Broadband providers to lift data caps during Covid-19 lockdown  The Guardian


9 years ago


Aspirant to Restore Use of Passports

Aspirant to Restore Use of Passports
Travelers from either side of the Union will have to carry passports to cross the Indian Ocean, Alliance for Farmers Party (AFP) Zanzibar presidential candidate Mr Said Soud Said declared here yesterday. "We need to strengthen the Union by Zanzibar ...


11 years ago


Govt to issue new passports

Govt to issue new passports - official
The government, through the Immigration Department, is planning to issue new travel documents to replace the current ones by making their security features more sophisticated. This was revealed on Monday by the department's Public Relations Officer, Tatu ...



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