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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


KALINAKI: From tyrants to turbines: US shift in African foreign policy

>What is Africa’s problem? To many, it is power and the failure to use, manage and transfer it peacefully. So it is not surprising that last week’s US-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington focused extensively on power in Africa — only that the focus was on electricity, not the continent’s politics.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


New policy shift in MP’s salaries rejected

MPs have rejected a plan to consolidate their pay in a policy shift involving increased pension that would attract a tax charge on the lumpsum. 


11 years ago


Tanzania and the foreign policy in 2014

>Tanzania may not be part of negotiation for Iran’s nuclear or peace talks for the Syria conflict, but in the world of foreign policy, actions and events happening in Dar es Salaam matters thousands of kilometres away.


9 years ago


Foreign policy record impressive

The back to back state visits of leaders from the two most powerful nations in the world in 2013 will remain a major achievement of President Jakaya Kikwete’s foreign policy.


10 years ago


ELECTION PLATFORM: Foreign policy one of key issues CCM aspirants skipped

>It has been a month of promises to Tanzanians especially those who care about politics if not all. Nearly all of those, who aspire for presidency through CCM ticket, have used the past four weeks to promise Tanzania a new country.


10 years ago


African leaders and foreign hospitals

So, another African president dies in London, to continue a long list of the continent’s leaders to have died in a foreign hospital. The death of president Michael Sata, the man who rose from cleaner to his country’s highest office follows a long undisclosed illness.


10 years ago


ECONOMICS MADE SIMPLE: Periodic policy reviews: Case of SMEs development policy - 2

>In last week’s article, the author outlined the need for periodic policy reviews in Tanzania with the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Development Policy, 2003 as a case study. The article described what policies are and why policy reviews are necessary.


11 years ago


Stockholm for shift from aid to trade

>Sweden is advocating a new development mechanism for Africa that will secure a win-win situation for developing economies, a visiting foreign minister has said.


10 years ago


MY TAKE ON THIS: Shift-to-Dodoma move should be abandoned

About 42 years ago Mwalimu Julius Nyerere rallied his colleagues in the then Tanganyika African National Union (Tanu) to adopt a motion to shift the seat of government from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma.


9 years ago


Azam FC shift focus on league

The British tactician looks for a strong Azam comeback



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