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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


KATIBA REVIEW: Tanzania vs Kenya’s basic law - 2

In last week’s article, I started making a comparative analysis on the constitution making process in Tanzania vis-à-vis the Constitution of Kenya. The proposed Constitution is subject to the referendum’s approval or disapproval


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Tanzania vs Kenya’s basic law - 3

Today, we are looking into Chapters - One and Two – in both documents and see how similar or different they are. We do this because we want to establish how easy or difficult harmonisation of these two basic laws is, as we look forward to writing the federal Constitution of member countries of the East African Community (EAC).


11 years ago


Tanzania deserves new basic law

Although historians and lawyers differ on many issues, they share many characteristics. In making their arguments, both professions engage in case-making by citing scenarios, which can justify a status quo.


10 years ago

Daily News

LHRC wants changes to Katiba review law

Daily News
LHRC wants changes to Katiba review law
Daily News
THE Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) has urged the Attorney General (AG) to consider amending all ambiguous sections in the Constitutional Review Act, especially the one pertaining to presidential powers. Speaking to journalists, LHRC Director of ...
Activists say JK has powers to call off Constitutional AssemblyIPPmedia

all 2


9 years ago


Tanzania: Procurement Law Review Should Be Participatory

Tanzania: Procurement Law Review Should Be Participatory
It is encouraging that the Law Reform Commission of Tanzania (LRCT) has initiated a process for review of the notorious Public Procurement Act. LRCT is collecting views of stakeholders in order to gather prerequisite data and information relevant to ...


9 years ago


Tanzania: Purchase Law Review Initiated to Curb Graft

Tanzania: Purchase Law Review Initiated to Curb Graft
Dar es Salaam — The government has initiated a process to review the Public Procurement Act. The move comes three weeks after President John Magufuli hinted in Parliament that the law would be amended to curb embezzlement of public funds. The Law ...


11 years ago


Why thorough basic law crucial

Today, in a series of my articles which try to respond to the proposals of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) following the publication of the second Draft Constitution, I would like to critically, but constructively differ with CCM’s proposal that the Draft Constitution is too much detailed to the extent that it lacks profundity and brevity as it is supposed to be.


11 years ago


Inclusiveness in writing basic law

Inclusive representation during constitution building has been an ideal. In theory, it is an important factor in the legitimacy of the process.


10 years ago


New basic law could easily be tampered with

On April 30 next year, Tanzanians through a referendum will decide if they want the proposed Constitution to be their new and permanent Constitution or not. If they vote for it, then it will be their Constitution for many years to come, affecting not only the current generation, but many others in the future.


10 years ago


MARKET DATA REVIEW: Know basic investment skills on shares

>Let’s start the New Year, 2015 by going back to the basics: What does owning shares mean? What is a share? Who can issue shares, Who can invest in shares etc etc.



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