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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Kaymu Opens Drop off station in Kariakoo


Kaymu Tanzania Country Manager Erfaan Mojgani speaking to the media about the new office launched in Kariakoo which will help improve Kaymu’s delivery services.


Zacharia Lucas, who has a shop on Kaymu (right) speaking to the media, about how helpful Kaymu has been in helping his business grow.(Middle) Kaymu Tanzania’s country manager, (left) along with Kaymu Tanzania’s Logistics and operations associate Ulumbi Bryceson.

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Dewji Blog

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Libeneke jipya la habari za Kariakoo ‘Kariakoo Digital’


Naomba kutambulisha kwenu tovuti mpya ya inayofahamika kama Kariakoo Digital Ambayo imejikita katika kukusanya orodha ya maduka ya wafanyabiashara wa Kariakoo pamoja na bidhaa wanazouza, mawasiliano yao na mitaa wanayopatikana na kuyaweka sehemu moja ili kukupa urahisi wa kutafuta bidhaa unayohitaji.

Sasa unawaweza kuokoa muda na pesa zako kwa kutumia tovuti hii mpya ya kupata orodha ya maduka mengi yanayouza bidhaa kariakoo kisha unaweza kuwasiliana...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Embrace e-commerce: Kaymu advises


Ecommerce is commonly known as business that is conducted over the Internet using any of the applications that rely on the Internet, such as e-mail, instant messaging, social media, websites etc. This kind of trading can be between two businesses transmitting funds, goods, services or between a business and a customer. Today Technology is changing Tanzania – the way we live, work, educate ourselves, buy goods and services and transfer money are all done through the internet and the main aim...


10 years ago


From two countries to 34; Kaymu’s two year journey so far.

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January 25 marks the 2nd anniversary of Kaymu, a leading online shopping community. It’s been two years and 34 countries for Kaymu so far, which launched in Nigeria and Pakistan simultaneously and has spread rapidly through Africa, Asia and most recently, in Europe. This year will see Kaymu launching in more countries in Asia and Europe.Kaymu’s business model and main aim is to empower local SMEs and make shopping accessible to everyone everywhere and in the process, drive the online shift...


10 years ago


Kaymu introduces cash on delivery in other regions.

 Kaymu, Tanzania’s number one online market place has now expanded its business by introducing the Cash on Delivery (COD) service to 9 other regions. Previously, the COD service was only available for those that live in Dar-es-Salaam, but now it stretches to those in Mwanza, Arusha, Dodoma, Mbeya, Morogoro, Tanga, Kilimanjaro, Mtwara and Zanzibar. Cash on Delivery (COD) service is where the customer orders their product on a website and only pays for it once it they have received it, and are...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Kaymu Turns Two With a Promise of Expansion to Further Shores

kaymu logo copy

From two countries to 34; Kaymu’s two year journey so far.

January 25 marks the 2 year anniversary of Kaymu, a leading online shopping community. It’s been two years and 34 countries for Kaymu so far, which launched in Nigeria and Pakistan simultaneously and has spread rapidly through Africa, Asia and most recently, in Europe. This year will see Kaymu launching in more countries in Asia and Europe.

Kaymu’s business model and main aim is to empower local SMEs and make shopping accessible to...


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Kaymu reaches 5 Million Fans on Facebook


Tanzania’s leading online marketplace: Kaymu, has reached the 5 million fans mark on Facebook.

This big achievement of getting to 5 million Facebook fans, now ranks Kaymu as the 36th biggest e-commerce page in the world. Just two months ago Kaymu ranked as the 45th. This calculates into Kaymu getting an average of more than 13,000 fans per day, more than 85,000 fans per week, and more than 371,000 fans per month, making Kaymu bigger than Linio, AliExpress, Jabong, Asos, Zalando, Lazada....


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Kaymu introducing Black Friday in Tanzania


– The global shopping trend with deals and discounts, without the fighting or standing in line –

D-DAY for Christmas season shoppers. Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year is making its entrance in Tanzania. The event, blown over from the US and the UK, is famous for its outrageous deals and discounts. In 2014, 133.7 million US citizens were shopping on Black Friday, spending $380 on average per person.

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Black Friday, the 4th Friday of November, the day after Thanksgiving, is...


10 years ago



Africa’s leading online marketplace Kaymu has further expanded to mobile marketing with the launch of its mobile app in September 2014.

Kaymu Tanzania has unveiled its first mobile application services in the country, enabling Android users to shop for goods and order directly from their mobile phones, and allowing sellers to manage their online shops and orders much more quickly and conveniently than ever before.

Addressing the press at the company head office in Mikocheni - Dar es Salaam,...


10 years ago


Kaymu Partners with the Nyama choma festival

Kaymu Partners with the Nyama choma Festival ticket sales. 28th May 2016 Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania- Kaymu, Tanzania’s number one online market place has partnered with the Nyama Choma festival to sell the events tickets online, of which the event will be held at the Leaders club on the 30th of May 2015. The tickets are available to anyone for a massive discount of only Tsh 5000, which is double the amount you will need to pay at the gate on the day of the event.
Kaymu Tanzania’s Head of...



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