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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105

POPULAR ON YOUTUBE Celebrates Women’s Day with Top Fashion seller


Women’s Day is a day to celebrate acts of courage and willpower by women who have played an important role in the history of their countries, communities and families in one way or another, and to continue promoting the importance of increased opportunity and equality for women across the globe. Tanzania’s leading online marketplace celebrates Women’s Day with Mrs. Dorah Mgaya, a successful businesswoman, who sells her fashion and beauty products through Kaymu.

Mrs. Mgaya who...

Dewji Blog

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago



The EAC Secretariat celebrated International Women’s Day as part of its strategy to increase the participation of women in the EAC’s regional integration process. 
Under this year’s theme ‘Make it Happen,’ the Deputy Secretary General, together with the Arusha City Council, Women Organisations, Staff members of the EAC and other invited guests, took part in a ‘Walk for Gender Equality’ around designated areas in Arusha town, visited the Maternity Unit of Mt. Meru Regional Hospital, launched...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

hellofood Tanzania Celebrates International Women’s Day


International Women’s Day is more than just giving a gift to a woman you appreciate and say she is great. This day symbolizes women’s struggles around the world for equality and basic human rights, and a reminder of how far there is still to go. It’s also a time to reflect on development made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage, strength and determination done by ordinary women who have played extraordinary roles in our countries, communities and families.

I believe giving...


11 years ago


WOMEN'S DAY: ‘And, today is International Women’s Day!’

>The world-famous Hindu nationalist leader Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) proclaimed that ‘a woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity... If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably man’s superior... If non-violence is the law of our being, then the future is with women...’


9 years ago


Misa Tanzania Celebrates Right to Know Day, 2015

Misa Tanzania Celebrates Right to Know Day, 2015
MISA Tanzania celebrated the International Right to Know/Information Day on September 28, 2015, by launching its research report on Access to Information in Public Institutions in Tanzania. MISA Tanzania had conducted a study to measure the most open ...


10 years ago



AAR Insurance Tanzania Ltd celebrates the world environment day by involving in several environmental actions, doing cleanness along Kimweri Road, cleaning sewage channels, and removing all the abounded trashes along the road.
Speaking during the event, AAR Insurance Public Relations Officer, Mrs. Amisa Juma said, “Being one of the leading companies in Health Insurance and major contributors in Health services in the country, it is our obligation and duty to show the society how environment...


11 years ago


Tanzania celebrates International Day in abuja, Nigeria

 On Friday 27 June 2014 it was an International Day at Springhall British School Abuja and Tanzania was among the African countries celebrated. With the support from Tanzania High Commission Abuja, pupils showcased Tanzania's History,Tourism attractions as well as culture- specifically food and attire.  Tanzania pupils showcasing their country's traditional attires Tanzania stall


11 years ago


United Republic of Tanzania celebrates its National Day today

United Republic of Tanzania celebrates its National Day today
The United Republic of Tanzania celebrates its National Day today. A central East African nation, Tanzania is bordered by Kenya and Uganda to the north, Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west, and Zambia, Malawi, and ...
On the Occasion of the United Republic of Tanzania's Union DayUS Department of State (press release)
Mustafa Hassanali to celebrate 50 years of 'Muungano' in RussiaDaily...


11 years ago


Olam Tanzania Celebrates World Malaria Day with Partners and Community

Dr. Seif Rashid, Minister of Health and Social Welfare presenting a certificate of recognition to OLAM Tanzania Internal Communications Manager, Elizabeth Nnoko for their commitment to the fight against malaria through the Malaria Safe Initiative.     A section of workers and villagers who attended a World Malaria Day function in Kyela organized by OLAM Tanzania  One of the staff of OLAM in Kyela receiving a treated mosquito net  A section of villagers who attended an event in...


9 years ago


Niger cancels top Fima fashion show

One of Africa's foremost fashion shows, the Fima festival in Niger, is called off by authorities amid security fears, the organiser says.



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