Keep politics out of the plight of albinos
It is time we approached the plight of albinos as a crisis that should be pursued on the same scale as a war. People with albinism are not only kidnapped but also mutilated and killed regularly.
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
TheCitizen31 Aug
Plight of Albinos calls for renewed attention
Following the recent spate of brutal attacks and killings of people with albinism or albinos in Tanzania, the issue has once again occupied centre stage in the local and international media.
9 years ago
TheCitizen17 Oct
POLITICS : Nyerere took us from one party to multiparty politics
A little more than 16 years have passed like so much water under the bridge since the founder of Tanzanian nationalism and iconic Satte President, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1922-99), perforce went to his maker on Octobeer 14, 1999 – leaving Tanzanians distressed, forlorn and near-distraught.
10 years ago
TheCitizen18 Oct
The plight of TZ housemaids in Oman
>Tanzania’s embassy in Oman has taken steps to address long-standing complaints from domestic workers hailing from Tanzania.
10 years ago
TheCitizen25 Dec
Address orphans’ plight
Few people are aware of the fact that a child somewhere in the world is orphaned every two seconds. The pandemic of homeless and orphaned children is growing at an astonishing rate, leaving 145 million children orphaned or displaced globally.
10 years ago
TheCitizen18 Feb
Dodoma street children plight
>Poor parenting, divorce and economic hardships have forced many children here to engage in petty businesses and other money-making ventures in order to earn their daily bread and even school fees.
11 years ago
TheCitizen10 Aug
The plight of breastfeeding mothers at workplace
The first week of this month marked yet another global event, World Breastfeeding Week, which was celebrated from 1st-7th of August. This year’s theme was ‘Breastfeeding: A winning goal for life’.
10 years ago
IPPmedia17 Nov
Teachers say govt downplaying their plight
The government maintains the rightful due is 5.7bn/- but the union says in Mbeya Region alone, teachers are owed up to 4bn/- in outstanding arrears. Initially the teachers submitted claims of up to 16.25bn/- for non–salary dues but the government accepted ...
9 years ago
AllAfrica.Com30 Sep
When Plight of Children Is Swept Under the Carpet
Zanzibar — GENDER Based Violence (GBV) remains a serious concern among voters in Zanzibar and probably in many parts of Tanzania. However, is getting little attention from candidates seeking to be elected in the October 25 general election. We have ...
9 years ago
TheCitizen05 Oct
We can only ignore plight of teachers at our peril
As Tanzanian teachers join their professional colleagues elsewhere to mark the World Teachers’ Day, held on October 5 annually since 1994, it is appropriate to look at the situation of our teachers, without whom we cannot talk of any meaningful future of our young.
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Tanzania Today
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania