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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Kenya, Nigeria sign trade and agriculture agreements

>Kenya and Nigeria have signed three agreements and four Memoranda of Understanding aimed at promoting trade between the two countries.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


UK and Nigeria sign prisoners deal

The UK and Nigeria sign an agreement to allow the transfer of prisoners between the two countries, which is expected to start later this year.


10 years ago


Nigeria rivals sign peace accord

Nigeria's two main presidential candidates sign a peace accord to prevent violence in tightly contested elections due on Saturday.


11 years ago


VIDEO: Impact on trade of Nigeria violence

The BBC's Tomi Oladipo reports from the commercial city of Kano in Nigeria on how violence in the country is affecting the textile trade.


10 years ago


TZ, Kenya sign MoU on timber theft

>Tanzania and Kenya have signed an MOU to combat illegal logging that cost billions of shillings in government revenue.


9 years ago


Kenya and Ethiopia sign border deal

Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta and Ethiopia's Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn sign a UN-sponsored deal to reduce cross-border tension between the countries.


10 years ago


The African Development Bank Group Supports Power Trade between Kenya and Tanzania ADF USD 144.9 million Loan to Kenya — Tanzania Power Interconnection Project

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) approved an African Development Fund (ADF) Loan of USD 144.9 million1, to Kenya - Tanzania Power Interconnection Project.
The project will allow the two countries to exchange power. In addition, the Kenya-Tanzania Interconnection Project plays an important role in promoting regional integration through power trade.
The project is expected to improve the supply, reliability and affordability of electricity in the...


10 years ago


Tanzania and Kenya sign MoU on Forest matters

Mr. Juma Mgoo, Chief Executive- Tanzania Forest Services Agency (left, signing) and Mr. Emilio Mugo Ag. Chief Executive Kenya Forest Services (right, signing) sign MoU on monitoring of Forest Products Trade at Kenya and Tanzania border points, 24 March 2015 in Arusha, Tanzania. Mr. Juma Mgoo the Chief Executive of Tanzania Forest Services Agency and Mr. Emilio Mugo Ag. Chief Executive- Kenya Forest Services exchange signed MoU documents on monitoring of Forest Products Trade between the two...


5 years ago

The East African

Lawyers fight Kenya-US trade deal

Lawyers fight Kenya-US trade deal  The East AfricanKenya, US deal ‘more symbolic than economic’  Daily NationKenya, US deal 'more symbolic than economic' Full coverage on Google News


9 years ago


Promote TZ-Kenya trade, private sectors challenged

Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta has challenged the business communities of Kenya and Tanzania to play their role effectively to boost trade between the two countries.



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