
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Key regional hospital in acute shortage of essential medicine

Beneficiaries of health services at Mbeya Referral Hospital have decried the prevailing acute shortage of medicine at the hospital.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Rural school faces acute shortage of key facilities

Kagondo Primary School in Biharamulo District, Kagera Region is facing a serious shortage of key education facilities, a situation that hinders delivery of quality education.


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: Tarime district hospital faces acute shortage of safe blood

>Tarime District Hospital faces an acute shortage of safe blood as well as blood-testing equipment, a situation that poses serious health risks to patients in need of blood transfusion.


11 years ago


Tanzania faces acute shortage of aviators

Tanzania faces an acute shortage of pilots and stakeholders now want the government to come in and address the challenge.


11 years ago


Region faces acute shortage of ARVs

>Health stakeholders in Mara have requested the government to supply the region with antiretroviral drugs as the shortage of the life-saving therapy threatens the lives of people living with HIV.


11 years ago

Daily News

Country faces acute shortage of Maths teachers

Daily News
Country faces acute shortage of Maths teachers
Daily News
MATHEMATICS teachers whose number is rapidly shrinking have become the most sought after individuals in the country. The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Prof Sifuni Mchome, revealed here that Tanzania needs over 13,480 basic ...


9 years ago


Acute water shortage bites hard in Uyui

Residents of Upuge Village in Uyui District, Tabora Region, are forced to walk vast distances in search of water due to the severe water shortage facing the area.


9 years ago


Alarm as Morogoro faces acute water shortage

Residents of Morogoro Municipality  experience  water shortage after two main water sources have dried up. The dried water sources include Mindu Dam as well as rivers and springs running from the slopes of Uluguru Mountain.


11 years ago


Nation faces acute game rangers' shortage

Nation faces acute game rangers' shortage
Tanzania faces a shortage of 2000 game rangers in the reserves, a problem which is a threat to the achievement of the war against poaching. This is contrary to wildlife international laws which indicate the ratio of game rangers should be one game ranger ...


11 years ago

Daily News

NIT faces acute shortage of training facilities

NIT faces acute shortage of training facilities
Daily News
THE National Institute of Transport (NIT) is facing the problem of inadequate and aged training facilities and equipment thus posing a challenge to its mandated obligation of training professional drivers. NIT Deputy Rector, Dr Simon Lushakuzi, said in Dar es ...



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